
Time to Stock up for the Busy Season

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Believe it or not, now is the time to start planning inventory for the holiday rush. How will you prepare for the upcoming season? We put together a list of pro tips to make sure you never run out of what you need most!

Review your packaging usage from previous years

The best way to know what you’ll need for this year is to review how much you used last year (and the year before, and the year before that). So first thing’s first: take a look at last year’s numbers to estimated this year’s projections.

Consider what new items you have this year

Have a great new product this year? Make sure you’ve got the right packaging for it. If you’re in retail, you might have a new item that requires a larger shopping bag. Food service folks with new menu features could find the need for a grease-resistant food tissue or cookie bags, to name a few.

Be realistic

As nice as it would be to stock up all at once, the truth is that sometimes it’s just not possible. Whether it’s because of limited storage space or budget, buying everything you need at once can be difficult for anyone. If you’re realistic and honest with yourself you can plan strategically so that you get the most bang for your buck without overloading your storage space.

Set reminders so you never run out

Have a simple plan in place that will remind you when to order. For instance, it’s time to restock when you are opening the last case of an item. Or maybe it’s time to reorder when there are three cases left in your stock room, depending on what the item is. Make sure to inform your staff so they let you know when you’re running low.

Ask a Packaging Advisor for help!

Of course, no one knows your business or supply needs as well as you, but our experts are here to help you get an accurate read of what’s needed. Just give them a call at 888-321-2248 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST. They will be more than happy to assist you!

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