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In recent times, restaurant owners have been facing significant challenges due to the economic pressures of inflation. Rising costs for ingredients, labor, and overhead have put the squeeze on profit margins. To maintain their businesses and stay competitive, many restaurant owners are exploring innovative ways to offset these financial challenges. One effective strategy gaining popularity is selecting the right takeout food packaging. In this article, we will discuss how restaurant owners are using smart packaging choices to ease the pressure of inflation.

Versatility and Durability

In an environment where every penny counts, restaurant owners are increasingly looking for versatile and durable takeout food packaging options. Versatile packaging can be used for a variety of menu items, reducing the need to stock multiple types of containers. Additionally, durability ensures that food remains fresh and in good condition during transportation, reducing the likelihood of customer complaints or refunds.


Inflation often leads to rising costs for restaurant owners. To mitigate these expenses, savvy restaurateurs are looking for cost-effective takeout food packaging options. Consider choosing packaging that is not only budget-friendly but also environmentally responsible. Options like biodegradable or recyclable materials not only cut costs but also appeal to eco-conscious consumers, potentially increasing brand loyalty.

branding helps with advertisingCustom Branding

In a competitive market, branding is crucial for success. Takeout food packaging offers an excellent opportunity to extend your restaurant’s branding to customers’ homes. Custom packaging with your logo, slogan, or unique design can enhance brand recognition and make a memorable impression. This branding strategy can also justify a slight price increase, further easing the financial pressure of inflation.

innovative products can cut costsInnovative Packaging Solutions

Innovation in takeout food packaging is crucial for staying competitive. Restaurant owners are now exploring advanced packaging solutions that keep food fresh, prevent leakage, and enhance the overall dining experience. Features like steam vents, compartmentalized containers, or tamper-evident seals can make a substantial difference in customer satisfaction and reduce the chances of returned orders.

portion control saves on costsPortion Control

In an era of inflation, managing portion sizes is vital for maintaining profitability. Restaurant owners are realizing that the right takeout food packaging can help them maintain portion consistency. Portion control containers can help minimize food waste and ensure that customers receive the correct amount of food, preventing any dissatisfaction due to perceived value.

Customer Experience

The restaurant industry is all about the customer experience, and takeout food packaging plays a significant role in this regard. With the rise in online food ordering and delivery services, restaurant owners are investing in packaging that enhances the overall experience. Packages that keep food hot or cold, and those designed for easy handling, are gaining popularity to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.

sustainable packaging productsSustainable Packaging

Sustainability is not only a buzzword but a fundamental aspect of today’s business landscape. Restaurant owners are increasingly adopting sustainable takeout food packaging options as part of their commitment to environmental responsibility. Using eco-friendly materials not only appeals to a growing segment of eco-conscious consumers but also, in some cases, can reduce overall packaging costs.

Select Takeout Food Packaging that Helps Ease the Pangs of Inflation

The challenges of inflation are pressuring restaurant owners to find innovative solutions to maintain profitability and stay competitive. Selecting the right takeout food packaging is one such strategy that can make a significant difference. By focusing on versatility, cost-efficiency, branding, innovation, portion control, customer experience, and sustainability, restaurant owners can ease the financial burden of inflation while delivering exceptional service to their customers. Adapting to these changing times through thoughtful packaging choices can help restaurants thrive in a challenging economic environment.

For help with ideas for takeout food packaging for your business, or for help with custom branding of your takeout food packaging, contact one of the Packaging Experts at 888-321-2248.

In today’s fast-paced world, takeout food has become an integral part of our dining experience. Whether it’s a gourmet burger, a fresh salad, or a hearty bowl of ramen, the convenience of ordering food for delivery or takeout has changed the way we enjoy meals. However, have you ever stopped to consider the role that packaging plays in shaping our perception of the food we consume? In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of the psychology of takeout packaging and how it influences our perception of the dishes we love.

The Power of First Impressions

It’s often said that you eat with your eyes first, and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to takeout food. The moment you receive your order, the packaging is the first thing you see. The color, design, and overall presentation of the packaging create an immediate impression that sets the stage for your dining experience.

packaging color psychologyThe Color Psychology of Takeout Packaging

Colors have a profound impact on our emotions and behavior. Food packaging designers are well aware of this fact and use it to their advantage. For example, warm colors like red and orange are often associated with excitement and appetite stimulation. You’ll often find these colors on packaging for fast-food items, as they can make you feel more eager to dive into your meal. On the other hand, cool colors like blue and green are used for healthier options to evoke feelings of freshness and tranquility.

Branding and Recognition

Packaging is also a powerful tool for branding. The consistent use of logos, colors, and fonts on packaging creates brand recognition. When you see familiar packaging from your favorite restaurant or fast-food chain, it triggers a sense of trust and comfort. This can enhance your overall perception of the food’s quality and taste, even before you take your first bite. Creating custom branded packaging to match your brand is a huge value add when considering the psychology of takeout packaging.

portion control psychologyThe Role of Packaging in Portion Control

One of the key psychological aspects of takeout food packaging is portion control. The size and shape of containers can influence how much you eat and how satisfied you feel after the meal.

Restaurants often choose packaging that matches the portion size they want to serve. For example, a large, shallow container for a salad may make the salad look more substantial, while a smaller container with tall sides can make a pasta dish seem more filling. The perception of portion size can affect your overall satisfaction with the meal.

The “Finishability” Factor

Some packaging designs are intentionally made to be “finishable.” This means that the packaging encourages you to finish the entire meal. For instance, a perfectly sized container for a slice of pie or a dessert may make you more inclined to consume it all, leading to higher customer satisfaction and the likelihood of ordering dessert again in the future.

psychology and environmental impactEnvironmental Considerations and Perception

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of environmental issues, including the impact of packaging waste. This awareness can influence our perception of takeout food.

Restaurants that use sustainable and eco-friendly packaging materials send a positive message to customers. When you receive your meal in packaging that is biodegradable or made from recycled materials, it aligns with your values and can enhance your perception of the restaurant’s commitment to responsible practices.

Some customers are willing to pay a premium for food that comes in environmentally friendly packaging. This willingness to spend more on eco-friendly options can lead to a perception of higher quality, both in terms of the food and the overall dining experience.

“Unpacking” the Influence of the Psychology of Takeout Packaging

The psychology of takeout food packaging is a fascinating field that demonstrates the power of design and presentation in shaping our dining experiences. From the colors and branding that create immediate impressions to the role of packaging in portion control and environmental considerations, packaging plays a significant role in how we perceive the food we order for delivery or takeout.

Next time you enjoy your favorite takeout meal, take a moment to appreciate the thought and psychology that went into the packaging. It’s not just a container; it’s a part of the dining experience that can influence your perception of the food and the restaurant itself. As our understanding of psychology and sustainability continues to evolve, so too will the ways in which takeout food is packaged and presented to us, enhancing our overall dining enjoyment.

For help with selecting the best takeout food packaging for your business, or for help with custom branding of your takeout food packaging, contact one of the Packaging Experts at 888-321-2248.

In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront of public discourse, the City of Pittsburgh has taken a step toward reducing its ecological footprint by implementing a Single-Use Plastic (SUP) Bag Ban. This initiative addresses the city’s environmental challenges. It also underscores a commitment to creating a more sustainable future. The Pittsburgh plastic bag ban is a response to the growing concern about the environmental impact of single-use plastic bags. These bags often end up in landfills, littering the streets, or clogging waterways, causing harm to wildlife and ecosystems. By eliminating them, The City of Pittsburgh aims to reduce pollution and promote a cleaner, more sustainable city.

Pittsburgh’s Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban makes it illegal for retailers to distribute single-use plastic bags to customers at checkout. Instead, businesses are encouraged to provide or sell reusable bags, recyclable paper bags, or compostable bags as alternatives.

SUP Bag Ban’s Obscure Effective Dates

pittsburgh plastic bag ban timelineThe City of Pittsburgh is implementing a policy to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags slated to begin 10/14/2023. However, the official code book states the following: 

“Beginning eighteen (18) months after the effective date, retail establishments are prohibited from providing a single-use plastic bag or a non-recycled paper bag to a customer at the retail establishment or through a delivery.”

The date defined in the code as the “Effective date” is 4/17/2023. 18 weeks after this date would indicate a 10/17/2024 ban start date* Note: These dates are subject to revision and will require ongoing verification.

*Chart may be affected by the unclear start date

Who Will This Affect?

The ban applies to all retailers within the City of Pittsburgh where food or other retail products are sold.

Supermarkets, Convenience stores, Department stores, clothing stores, restaurants, cafeterias, festivals, food trucks, and delivery services. etc.

Possible Negative Consequences

While the Pittsburgh Plastic Bag Ban is primarily aimed at promoting sustainability and reducing environmental harm, it’s essential to acknowledge that businesses, especially smaller retailers, may face certain challenges and negative implications as a result of the ban. Here are some potential drawbacks for businesses:

  • Cost Increase: Businesses may experience a cost increase when transitioning to alternative bag options like reusable or paper bags. These alternatives can be more expensive than traditional plastic bags, especially for smaller businesses with tight profit margins.
  • Consumer Resistance: Some customers may resist the change and find it inconvenient to carry reusable bags, or pay for paper bags. This resistance could lead to a decrease in customer satisfaction and potentially result in lost sales.
  • Supply Chain Challenges: Businesses may encounter difficulties in sourcing eco-friendly bags or ensuring a consistent supply. This could lead to inventory issues and operational disruptions.
  • Additional Training: Employees may need training on how to handle and promote reusable bags effectively, which can incur training costs and time.
  • Marketing and Branding Adjustments: Businesses may need to invest in rebranding and marketing efforts to align with the ban and emphasize their eco-friendly practices, which can require resources and time.
  • Compliance Costs: Ensuring compliance with the ban’s regulations and reporting requirements may involve administrative and legal costs for businesses.
  • Loss of Competitive Edge: If a business fails to adapt to the ban or communicate its sustainability efforts effectively, it may lose its competitive edge in a market increasingly driven by eco-conscious consumers.
  • Consumer Perception: If businesses do not handle the transition well, it can negatively impact their reputation among environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Potential for Increased Shoplifting: Some businesses may worry that the absence of plastic bags might lead to an increase in shoplifting if it becomes easier for individuals to conceal items.
  • Variability in Bag Quality: The quality and durability of alternative bags can vary, and businesses may receive complaints if the bags they provide are not up to par.

Compliance with the Pittsburgh Plastic Bag Ban3 types of bags

  • Single-use plastic carry-out bags can no longer be distributed by retailers within the City of Pittsburgh at checkout, pick-up, or for delivery orders.
  • Paper Bags MUST contain over 40% post-consumer recycled content with no old-growth fiber.
  • A minimum fee of $0.10 MUST be charged for paper bags that meet these requirements.
  • All fees are retained by the seller. Verbiage of receipt: “carry-out bag charge.”
  • Any business that accepts vouchers or EBT benefits cards may not collect paper bag fees. 
  • The city is considering a “drawdown” time for businesses to exhaust their current supply of plastic bags until January 1, 2024. They advise the public to check back into the City of Pittsburgh website at a later date for updates. 
  • Fines
    • Initial violation: Warning
    • 2nd violation: $100
    • 3rd violation: $250 

Signage sign for bag ban

  • Businesses are required to post notice of the plastic bag ban at ALL points of sale. 
  • Must be posted

Exemptions to the Pittsburgh Plastic Bag Pan

The Pittsburgh plastic bag ban starts at the register, any bags used to move goods to the register are exempt.

  • Bags used to package bulk fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, or candy. 
  • Bags used to contain wrap meats or fish, unwrapped prepared foods, bakery goods, flowers, newspapers, dry cleaning, or similar items. 
  • Bags used to package medications distributed through a pharmacy. 
  • Bags sold in packaging containing multiple bags packaged together 
  • Food storage bags (e.g. Ziplock), Garbage bags, Pet waste bags 

The City of Pittsburgh’s Action Plan

The City of Pittsburgh plans to: 

  • Create drop-off and pick up sites for individuals to donate their surplus reusable bags at key locations such as grocery stores, community centers, and libraries. 
  • Launch an awareness campaign to inform local residents of the policy change through local partners and social media within the first 15 months from the effective date. 
  • The Department’s Office of Sustainability and Resilience is directed to conduct a study to quantify the impact of this policy change. This report will also cover the costs of the city’s administration and enforcement of this program, as well as the success of the pilot bag-sharing program. This data will be made publicly available no later than 2 weeks after its completion on the City of Pittsburgh’s website. 

City of Pittsburgh Retail Businesses Need to Get Onboard

pittsburgh skylineThe City of Pittsburgh’s Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban is an aggressive step toward a more sustainable future for the city. Local retailers can benefit from the ban by offering branded reusable bags, promoting eco-friendly products, and aligning with the city’s sustainability goals. This presents a marketing opportunity for businesses to connect with environmentally conscious customers.

For advice on sustainable packaging, or for help with custom branding of your takeout food packaging, contact one of the Packaging Experts at 888-321-2248.

Sources & References Regarding the Pittsburgh Plastic Bag Ban


City of Pittsburgh Official Website: 

Municipality Code Book – Pittsburgh, PA

Public Education Plan for the Plastic Bag Ban – PDF

Reusable Bag Sharing Program Pilot – PDF


As the popularity of takeout food continues to rise, so does the need for efficient and eco-friendly / sustainable takeout packaging solutions. In recent years, there has been a remarkable shift in the way restaurants and food establishments package their to-go orders. Gone are the days of Styrofoam containers and foil pans that harm the environment. Today, the focus is on sustainable alternatives that not only preserve the freshness and quality of the food but also minimize the ecological footprint. In this article, we will explore the evolution of takeout food packaging, from traditional paper bags to the innovative and sustainable takeout packaging options available today.

the era of paper bagsThe Era of Paper Bags

Once upon a time, paper bags were the go-to option for packaging takeout food. And, they’re still inexpensive, lightweight, and relatively durable.

Today there is a much larger variety of sustainable takeout food packaging alternatives.

Visit for paper bag options:

truck harvesting bagasse to make sustainable takeout packaging

The Advent of Biodegradable Materials

In response to the demand for greener packaging, biodegradable materials began to gain popularity. Packaging made from materials like cornstarch, sugarcane bagasse (fiber), and wheat bran emerged as viable options. These materials are not only eco-friendly but also have the advantage of being compostable, meaning they can break down naturally and return to the earth without leaving behind harmful residues. Biodegradable containers and bags provide a more sustainable solution, ensuring that the packaging itself does not contribute to the growing waste crisis.

Here are links to just some of the biodegradable options featured on

plant based sustainable takeout packagingThe Rise of Plant-Based Sustainable Takeout Packaging

As the world became more conscious of the environmental impact of packaging, the focus shifted toward plant-based alternatives. Plant-based packaging utilizes materials like bamboo, bagasse (sugarcane waste), and palm leaves to create sturdy and sustainable containers. These materials are renewable, meaning they can be replenished faster than traditional resources. Additionally, plant-based packaging is often compostable, ensuring minimal environmental impact throughout its lifecycle.

Here are a couple of links to compostable options featured on

recycling materials for use in packagingInnovative Sustainable Takeout Packaging Alternatives

Innovation continues to drive the evolution of takeout food packaging. Today, we see the rise of packaging made from recycled materials, including recycled paper and plastic. These materials not only reduce waste but also promote the concept of a circular economy by giving new life to existing resources. Furthermore, advancements in technology have led to the development of packaging solutions that are not only sustainable but also functional, such as leak-proof containers made from biodegradable materials and microwave-safe plant-based packaging.

Check out these examples of greener takeout packaging that you’ll find on

Consumer Awareness and Impact

The growing awareness and concern among consumers about the environment have played a crucial role in shaping the evolution of takeout food packaging. Customers now actively seek out restaurants and food establishments that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. As a result, businesses are under pressure to adopt packaging solutions that align with consumer values. This shift in consumer preferences has accelerated the development and adoption of sustainable packaging alternatives in the food industry.


The evolution of takeout food packaging to sustainable alternatives is a testament to our growing commitment to protect the environment. The transition from conventional packaging materials to biodegradable and plant-based options has significantly reduced the ecological impact of takeout food consumption. As the demand for sustainability continues to rise, it is essential for businesses to embrace innovative and eco-friendly packaging solutions. By doing so, they not only contribute to a healthier planet but also appeal to environmentally conscious consumers who are eager to support businesses that share their values. Together, we can shape a future where enjoying takeout food doesn’t come at the cost of the environment.

When it comes to enjoying our favorite meals on-the-go, takeout packaging plays a crucial role in preserving the taste, freshness, and overall quality of the food. In recent times, the popularity of takeout and food delivery services has skyrocketed, making it essential to explore the impact of packaging on food quality. From eco-friendly materials to innovative designs, the choices made in takeout packaging can significantly influence our dining experience. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the importance of takeout packaging and understand how it affects the quality of our meals.

Preserving freshness is paramount in packaging Preservation of Freshness

The primary purpose of takeout packaging is to keep the food fresh from the kitchen to the customer’s doorstep. Different types of food require specific packaging materials to maintain their freshness. For instance, breathable materials like paper bags or perforated boxes work well for items with crispy textures, such as fries and fried chicken, as they allow excess moisture to escape, preventing sogginess. On the other hand, insulated packaging, like thermal bags, are ideal for retaining heat in hot dishes and preventing them from getting cold during transit.

Impact on Temperature and Texture

The choice of takeout packaging can significantly influence the temperature and texture of the food upon delivery. Insufficient insulation or poorly designed containers can lead to temperature loss, resulting in lukewarm or cold meals for the customers. This is especially critical for delicate dishes like soups and stews, where temperature plays a vital role in enhancing the overall taste. On the other hand, condensation build-up in containers can cause steam to reabsorb into the food, leading to soggy and less appetizing meals.

Vented lids can have a significant impact on the texture of takeout foods, particularly those that are hot or have steam-releasing properties. The presence of vented lids allows for controlled airflow, which affects the moisture content and crispness of the food. Here are some ways vented lids can influence the texture of takeout foods:

  1. Steam Release: Vented lids are designed to allow excess steam to escape from the container. This feature is particularly beneficial for dishes that are served hot and retain a lot of moisture, such as soups, stews, and curries. Without a vented lid, the steam would condense and reabsorb into the food, potentially making it soggy and less appetizing. With vented lids, the steam can escape, helping to preserve the integrity of the food’s texture.
  2. Crispness Preservation: For items that have crispy or fried textures, like French fries, fried chicken, or tempura, vented lids are essential. These foods tend to lose their crispiness quickly when enclosed in non-vented containers, as the steam buildup can make them soft and unappealing. Vented lids prevent excessive moisture accumulation, helping to maintain the desired crispy texture during transportation and delivery.
  3. Condensation Reduction: In non-vented containers, condensation can form on the inner surface of the lid due to temperature differences between the hot food and the container’s cooler environment. As a result, droplets of water may fall back into the food, leading to a loss of texture and potentially diluting the flavors. Vented lids allow this condensation to escape, minimizing the risk of texture deterioration.
  4. Temperature Control: Vented lids play a role in regulating the internal temperature of the food. By allowing hot air to escape, the food cools down more gradually, minimizing the risk of overcooking or losing its ideal serving temperature. This controlled cooling can help preserve the texture of the food until it reaches the customer.
  5. Customizable Texture: Some vented lids come with adjustable vents, allowing restaurants to tailor the amount of airflow according to the specific requirements of each dish. This level of customization helps ensure that different types of food maintain their unique textures and flavors during transit.


consider food safety when choosing takeout packagingFood Safety Concerns

Food safety is a main pillar of the importance of takeout packaging. Inferior packaging materials may contain harmful chemicals that can leach into the food, posing health risks to consumers. Restaurants and food delivery services must prioritize using food-grade and safe packaging materials to ensure their customers’ well-being. Additionally, secure and leak-proof packaging is essential to prevent spills, which can lead to contamination during transit.

Tamper-resistant packaging plays a crucial role in addressing food safety concerns associated with takeout foods. As the popularity of food delivery and takeout services continues to rise, ensuring the integrity and safety of the food during transportation is of utmost importance. Tamper-resistant packaging offers several key benefits that help mitigate food safety risks:

  1. Contamination Prevention: Tamper-resistant packaging is designed to provide a secure barrier that prevents unauthorized access to the food. It helps protect the contents from potential contaminants, such as dust, dirt, insects, or other external elements, that could compromise the food’s safety and quality.
  2. Assurance of Freshness: Tamper-resistant packaging ensures that the food remains untouched from the time it leaves the restaurant’s kitchen to when it reaches the customer. By maintaining the food’s original state, the packaging helps preserve its freshness, taste, and texture during transportation.
  3. Tamper-Evident Seals: One of the critical features of tamper-resistant packaging is the use of tamper-evident seals or closures. These seals are designed to show clear signs of tampering if someone attempts to open or access the contents. They include features like perforations, breakable tabs, or adhesive strips that are irreversibly damaged once the packaging has been opened. This provides customers with visible reassurance that their food has not been tampered with before delivery.
  4. Building Customer Trust: The use of tamper-resistant packaging helps build customer trust and confidence in the food delivery service. When customers are assured that their meals have been carefully handled and secured, they are more likely to develop loyalty to the brand and feel comfortable placing repeat orders.
  5. Allergy and Special Diet Considerations: Tamper-resistant packaging also helps prevent cross-contamination in cases where customers have food allergies or dietary restrictions. The secure packaging can reduce the risk of allergens from other items coming into contact with the customer’s specific order.

Food packaging generally must adhere to FDA guidelines – so be sure the takeout packaging you’re choosing is specifically made for food if it will be in direct contact.

environmental concerns matter in takeout packagingEnvironmental Importance of Takeout Packaging

With the growing concern for environmental sustainability, eco-friendly takeout packaging has gained significant attention. Consumers are increasingly conscious of the impact of single-use plastics on the environment and are actively supporting businesses that use biodegradable or compostable alternatives. By opting for eco-friendly materials like bioplastics, bamboo, or sugarcane-based containers, restaurants can not only reduce their carbon footprint but also enhance their brand image and attract environmentally conscious customers.

a cohesive brand identity can be achieved with food packagingImportance of Takeout Packaging Regarding Brand Image and Customer Perception

The importance of takeout packaging also includes how it serves as an extension of a restaurant’s brand identity. Thoughtfully designed and aesthetically pleasing packaging can leave a positive impression on customers, enhancing their overall dining experience. On the other hand, shoddy or poorly branded packaging may lead to a negative perception of the food quality, even before the first bite. Investing in high-quality, visually appealing packaging can help restaurants build a loyal customer base and stand out in the competitive food delivery market.

Takeout Food Packaging Leads to a Positive Perception

The impact of takeout packaging on food quality is undeniable. From preserving freshness and texture to ensuring food safety and meeting environmental expectations, the right packaging choices can significantly enhance the overall dining experience for customers. Restaurants and food delivery services must prioritize using suitable and eco-friendly materials to maintain the quality of their food offerings. By understanding the importance of packaging, businesses can not only win the hearts of their customers but also contribute positively to the environment.

On May 30, 2023 a petition was submitted to the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) that alleges that foreign countries are engaging in unfair trade practices (such as dumping and receiving subsidies) regarding imported paper shopping bags, which negatively impact the domestic paper shopping bag industry. This move has sparked a significant debate and raised questions about the implications for both the importing and exporting countries involved.

What’s this all about?

The petitioners are alleging that imports of paper shopping bags into the United States from nine implicated countries have increased recently by approximately 74%. And, this petition would impact about two-thirds of all imports of paper shopping bags. 

The petition seeks to impose antidumping (AD) duties on imported paper shopping bags imported from Cambodia, China, Colombia, India, Malaysia, Portugal, Taiwan, Turkey, and Vietnam, as well as countervailing (CVD) duties specifically on imports from China and India.

The petition was filed by Novolex Holdings LLC, a company with manufacturing facilities in Kentucky, Georgia, Washington, Connecticut, and Mexico, in collaboration with the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union. American Paper Bag LLC and ProAmpac LLC did not join the petition.

types of paper bags that will have duties imposed What imported paper shopping bags are being affected?

  • Imported Paper shopping bags with handles of any type, regardless of printing, and regardless of how the top edges are finished (e.g., folded, serrated, or other methods). The bags can be sealed or unsealed. They must have a width of at least 4.5 inches and a depth of at least 2.5 inches.

Which imported paper bags are not affected?

  • Multiwall sacks and bags.
  • Paper sacks or bags that are barrel-sized (approximately 11.5-12.5 inches wide, 6.5-7.5 inches deep, and 13.5-17.5 inches high) with flat paper handles.
  • Paper sacks or bags with die-cut handles, weighing less than 38 pounds, and with a height of less than 11.5 inches.
  • Shopping bags with handles made entirely of woven ribbon or similar fabric and finished with folded tops, tied knots, or T-bar aglets (made of wood, metal, or plastic).
  • Gift bags intended for retail sale that are bundled prior to importation, consisting of three to thirty individual bags in each bundle.

import dumping of paper bagsSo, what are Antidumping and Countervailing Duties you might ask?

Antidumping and countervailing duties are trade measures implemented by governments to protect domestic industries from unfair competition. Antidumping duties are imposed when imported goods are sold at a price below their fair market value, causing material injury to the domestic industry. On the other hand, countervailing duties are levied on imports that benefit from subsidies granted by their country of origin, thus creating an unfair advantage in the market.

What does the petition say about imported paper shopping bags?

The petition, submitted by the domestic manufacturers and producers, claims that the paper shopping bags from the aforementioned countries are being sold in the importing country at prices significantly lower than their normal value, thereby harming the domestic paper bag industry. Additionally, they allege that these countries are providing subsidies to their domestic paper bag manufacturers, enabling them to sell their products at artificially low prices.

Why are they filing this petition?

The filing of an antidumping and countervailing duty petition signals the concerns of domestic manufacturers and producers who fear the adverse effects of unfair competition. If the petition is successful, the importing country may impose additional duties on the targeted imports, effectively increasing their prices. This can lead to a decrease in market share for the accused countries’ exporters and potentially revive the struggling domestic paper shopping bag industry.

global implications of paper bag dutiesWhat are the possible global implications?

The filing of such a petition raises concerns and highlights the ongoing trade disputes between nations. It is crucial to recognize that trade actions like these can strain diplomatic relationships and impact the flow of goods and services between countries. The accused countries are likely to contest the petition, arguing against the allegations of unfair trade practices. This could result in a lengthy legal process, potentially leading to increased tensions and disruptions in international trade.

impact of imported paper shopping bags duties on us businessesWhat might this mean for U.S. businesses?

  • Increased Costs: Imposing additional duties on paper shopping bags imported from the accused countries would raise the cost of importing these products. U.S. businesses that rely on affordable paper shopping bags for their operations would face higher costs, impacting their bottom line. This could lead to reduced profitability or increased prices for consumers.


  • Reduced Competitiveness: Higher import costs due to the imposed duties can make U.S. businesses less competitive compared to their foreign counterparts in countries not subject to these regulations. This could result in a loss of market share as consumers opt for cheaper alternatives, potentially leading to a decline in sales and revenue for U.S. businesses.


  • Supply Chain Disruptions: If the accused countries’ exporters face significant barriers to the U.S. market, it could disrupt established supply chains. U.S. businesses relying on a stable and consistent supply of paper shopping bags from these countries may need to find alternative suppliers, which can be time-consuming and costly. This could potentially disrupt their production schedules and impact their ability to meet customer demands.


  • Retaliation from Accused Countries: The accused countries may respond to the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties by implementing their own retaliatory measures against U.S. products. This could result in reduced access to foreign markets for U.S. businesses across various industries, leading to decreased exports and potential loss of business opportunities.


  • Strained International Relations: Trade disputes and the implementation of protectionist measures can strain diplomatic relationships between countries. The filing of the petition and subsequent imposition of duties could lead to tensions between the U.S. and the accused countries, making it more challenging for U.S. businesses to engage in future trade negotiations or establish favorable trade agreements.


  • Uncertainty and Market Volatility: Trade disputes and regulatory changes introduce uncertainty into the business environment. U.S. businesses may find it challenging to plan and make long-term investments when the outcome of these disputes is uncertain. Market volatility and fluctuating prices can also make it difficult to forecast sales, manage inventory, and make strategic business decisions.


And, what might this mean for American consumers?

  • Higher Prices: The imposition of additional duties on imported paper shopping bags can lead to increased costs for U.S. businesses. To compensate for these higher costs, businesses may pass them on to consumers in the form of higher prices for paper shopping bags or the products they sell. This can result in increased expenses for consumers who rely on these bags for their shopping needs.


  • Limited Choices: If the accused countries’ exporters face significant barriers to the U.S. market, it may limit the variety and availability of paper shopping bags. With fewer options to choose from, consumers may have to settle for alternatives that may not meet their preferences or needs. This can reduce consumer satisfaction and limit their ability to make choices based on factors like price, quality, or sustainability.


  • Impact on Affordability: Higher prices for paper shopping bags can have a disproportionate impact on lower-income consumers who rely on affordable options for their shopping needs. If the cost of imported paper shopping bags increases significantly, it may strain the budgets of price-sensitive consumers or lead them to opt for reusable bags or alternative packaging materials, which may not be readily available or convenient in all situations.


  • Disrupted Supply Chains: Trade disputes and regulatory changes can disrupt established supply chains, leading to potential shortages or delays in the availability of paper shopping bags. This can affect retailers’ ability to stock shelves adequately, resulting in inconvenience for consumers who may encounter difficulties in finding the specific paper bags they prefer or require for their shopping.


  • Potential Impact on Related Industries: The imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on paper shopping bags can have a ripple effect on related industries. For example, if businesses in the accused countries experience a significant decline in sales, it may impact their ability to purchase raw materials or components from U.S. suppliers, potentially affecting jobs and economic activity in those sectors.


  • Reduced Market Competition: Trade protection measures can limit the entry of products from the accused countries, reducing market competition. This can hinder innovation, limit product diversity, and potentially result in reduced quality or slower advancements in the paper shopping bag industry. Limited competition can also lead to less competitive pricing, as fewer options are available to consumers.


The new antidumping and countervailing duty petition filed against paper shopping bags from Cambodia, China, Colombia, India, Malaysia, Portugal, Taiwan, Turkey, and Vietnam has set the stage for a contentious trade dispute. While the claims made in the petition are serious, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on U.S. domestic industries, American consumers, and the accused countries’ exporters. Striking a balance between protecting domestic industries and maintaining a healthy global trade environment is a challenging task that requires careful deliberation and cooperation between all parties involved.

At, we have so many products to choose from that you might not know where to start. No matter what you have in mind for your takeout needs, we picked out some of our most unique and notable products that are sure to help your business stand out from everybody else in your market. 

From eco-friendly macaron containers to tamper-evident plastic takeout bags, our products will give your customers a taste of the high life, even if they’re just grabbing a quick meal on the go. So why settle for boring, generic packaging when you can stand out from the competition with our innovative and eye-catching options? Let’s take your takeout game to the next level.

egg drop sandwich boxEgg Drop Sandwich Boxes

Egg drop sandwiches, are a popular street food in Korea. This sandwich consists of a sweet and fluffy bread roll that’s been filled with a cooked egg mixture made with eggs, scallions, and other seasonings. The result is a warm and savory sandwich that’s perfect for a quick breakfast or snack on the go. The popularity of egg drop sandwiches has spread beyond Korea, with many restaurants and food trucks around the world now offering their own unique takes on this delicious treat.

We have the perfect packaging solution for your egg drop sandwiches – the Egg Drop Sandwich Boxes from These boxes are not only perfect for Korean-style egg drop sandwiches but also a wide range of other sandwiches. The easy auto-bottom assembly makes them a breeze to use – simply squeeze and pop the box into shape. Made from sturdy Kraft board with a polyethylene liner, these boxes are grease-proof and more rigid than similar-sized bags.

macaron boxMacaron Containers

Macarons are a type of French pastry that consist of two delicate cookies made from almond flour, sugar, and egg whites, which are then sandwiched together with a flavorful filling such as ganache, buttercream, or fruit jam. Macarons are known for their brightly colored appearance and unique flavor combinations, and are often served as a sweet treat or dessert at special occasions or events.

Macarons are even more popular than ever, but you don’t want just any old box. At, we offer a range of macaron boxes, containers, clear plastic inserts, and other packaging supplies that are designed specifically for macarons. Our boxes and packaging supplies come in a variety of sizes and bright, vibrant colors, allowing you to choose the perfect packaging. With our wholesale pricing, you can be sure that you’re getting a great deal on high-quality macaron packaging.

citrus green takeout boxesCitrus Green To Go Boxes

Make a statement with your takeout containers with these vibrant citrus green boxes. Not only are they visually appealing, but they are also leak and grease-resistant, ensuring your food stays fresh and presentable during transport. The simple one-piece design features vents on top to prevent steam build-up and keep food fresh. The interlocking feature keeps the boxes securely closed, providing a safe and easy-to-use solution for your takeout needs. 

These boxes were even featured in an episode of the Amazon Prime TV series The Boys, making them a standout choice for businesses looking to make a lasting impression on their customers. Choose these citrus green takeout boxes for an eye-catching and functional solution.

biodegradable takeout bagsBlack Heavy Duty Biodegradable Super Wave Carryout Bags

Speaking of unique colors, you can upgrade your takeout game with this black plastic bag that offers superior strength and eco-friendliness. Made from extra heavy-weight 1.75 mil polypropylene plastic, this bag is 40% thicker than conventional wave bags, making it highly resistant to leaks and tears. It is also FDA-approved for food contact and features totally degradable plastic additives, making it a more sustainable option for foodservice businesses. 

The bag has a large top opening for easy loading, and its flat bottom ensures food stays secure during transport. The bag measures 18 x 16 + 9″ (width x height + bottom gusset) and is competitively priced with regular plastic bags while being the most affordable degradable poly bag option. 

The biodegradable treated plastic will break down naturally through heat, composting, or sunlight and is printed with a biodegradable logo on the bottom of each bag. Upgrade to this eco-friendly, degradable plastic bag for a more sustainable solution for your takeout, bakery, or coffee shop needs.

sealable takeout bagsSeal 2 Go Tamper Evident Plastic Takeout Bag 

With the rise of third-party food delivery services, ensuring food integrity during transport has become increasingly important. offers a solution with the Seal 2 Go Tamper Evident Plastic Takeout Bag. Featuring an adhesive strip for secure closure, these innovative bags provide peace of mind that your product will arrive undisturbed. 

Customers can easily tear off the entire top of the bag along a perforated line, and the bag’s seal is tamper-resistant, ensuring the contents remain intact during delivery. The bags are not completely airtight, allowing for necessary ventilation. Choose the Seal 2 Go Tamper Evident Plastic Takeout Bag for a safe and secure delivery option. We also have a biodegradable version of the Seal 2 Go Bag.

paperboard fry cone Cardboard Fry Cones

You don’t see this in the United States very often, but they’re starting to catch on. Paper fry cones are a convenient and eco-friendly option for serving finger foods such as french fries, onion rings, and chicken tenders. 

These cones are typically made from unbleached brown Kraft paper, which is both compostable and recyclable. One of the convenient features of our paper fry cones is the built-in dipping sauce compartment that makes it easy for customers to enjoy their snacks without having to juggle separate sauce containers. 

Additionally, paper fry cones are grease-resistant, which helps to keep the food crispy and prevents the paper from getting soggy. They fold flat for easy storage in smaller spaces. Overall, paper fry cones are a great option for restaurants, food trucks, and other food service businesses looking for a convenient, eco-friendly, and space-saving way to serve finger foods.

Other Fried Food Containers

Packaging fried food can be a challenge, as the moisture and heat from the food can cause the packaging to become soggy and ineffective. However, offers a range of products that are specifically designed to hold and transport fried food. In addition to paper fry cones, they offer paper food trays, clamshell containers, and other options that are grease-resistant and can hold up to the heat and moisture of fried food. These products come in a variety of sizes and styles, making it easy to find the perfect packaging for your specific needs. If you’re running a food truck, catering business, or restaurant, can help ensure that your fried foods stay fresh and delicious during transport and storage.

At, we know that your customers will see your food before it ever touches their lips. That’s why we offer a wide variety of unique and innovative takeout products that will make your business stand out from the crowd. 

From macaron containers to tamper-evident plastic bags, we have the products that will help you showcase your food in the most attractive way possible. Don’t settle for boring and basic packaging – let us help you elevate your takeout game to the next level. Choose for high-quality, standout products that will make your customers crave your food before they even take the first bite.


If none of these fit what you’re looking for, remember: you can get something custom! 

Get in touch with today to get started.

The COVID pandemic forced us all to stay home, and sit-down restaurants suffered. Their lifeblood–customers who came to their location to eat or drink–couldn’t come to them anymore. Many of those restaurants pivoted into take-out to be able to service those hungry customers. No matter what type of food a given business provides, they probably have a need for a simple, sturdy food tray. 

A food tray can be any portable, flat surface that holds food. If this sounds like it encompasses a lot of different types of products, you’d be right! Most of the trays we provide are disposable, portable containers for food. Sometimes it’s square, sometimes it’s round, and sometimes it’s kind of in the middle. Some food trays are made for customers taking food home, while others are for caterers serving food at a function. has a wide variety of food trays to choose from, but it might not be immediately obvious which one of the many choices will work best for your specific needs.

eco friendly kraft tray Types Of Takeout Food Trays

If you’ve ever picked up takeout food, you know that there are a variety of different types of food trays that can be used. Let’s take a closer look at three of the most common types: kraft paper, plastic, and molded fiber.

Kraft paper trays like the classic brown tray are inexpensive and lightweight, making them a popular choice for many restaurants. However, they’re not as durable and can’t withstand much heat, so they might not be ideal for every business. Plastic trays, like our catering trays, are more durable than kraft paper. Molded fiber or bagasse food trays are made from recycled materials and are biodegradable, making them a more environmentally friendly option. However, they’re not as rugged as plastic trays and can be more difficult to stack and transport.

If you’re looking for an affordable option that’s easy to transport, kraft paper may be the way to go. If you need something more durable, plastic or molded fiber may be a better choice. And if you’re concerned about the environment, molded fiber is the way to go. There are also disposable wood trays that are ideal for a natural presentation in bakeries and catering applications, while still being biodegradable. Whichever option you choose, make sure to test it out with your food before using it for customers. That way, you can be sure that it will meet their needs and expectations.

black plastic sushi platterWhich Type Of Food Tray Is Best For Your Takeout Business?

Aside from the obvious size requirements, which will change depending on the type and quantity of food you’re serving, the shape of the tray can also impact the overall look of your meal. Rectangular trays are traditional, but square or round trays can also be used to present your food in an attractive way. 

The material of the tray is important both for durability and insulation. Plastic or foil trays are lightweight and inexpensive, but they may not hold up well to repeated use. Foam trays are more durable, but they can be more expensive and are not environmentally friendly. Ultimately, the best type of food tray for your takeout business depends on your individual needs and preferences.

wings in brown paper trayHow To Choose The Right Type Of Food Tray For Your Takeout Business

When it comes to takeout food, presentation is everything. After all, you only have one chance to make a first impression, and that first impression starts with the type of food tray you use. But with so many different types of food trays on the market, how do you choose the right one for your business? 

The first thing to consider is the type of food you plan to serve. If you’re serving hot food, you’ll need a tray that can withstand high temperatures. For cold foods, you’ll need a tray that won’t sweat or leak. 

Once you’ve considered the type of food you’ll be serving, it’s time to think about size. Your takeout operation might be small now, but you don’t want to be stuck with trays that won’t accommodate future growth. 

It’s also important to think about the material. Some materials, like plastic, are cheaper but aren’t as environmentally friendly. Finally, you’ll need to decide on a shape. Rectangular trays are more space-efficient, while round trays can be easier to carry. 

Ultimately, there’s no wrong answer when it comes to choosing the right type of food tray for your business. By taking the time to consider your needs, you can find a tray that will help your business thrive.

macarons in rectangular wooden disposable food trayThe Benefits of Using High-Quality Food Trays

A high-quality food tray can make a subtle but important difference in the overall dining experience. Not only does it provide a stable and attractive surface for carrying food, but it can also help to keep food items hot or cold for longer periods of time. In addition, a well-made food tray can be reused multiple times, which can save money in the long run. For businesses that rely on serving food to customers, investing in high quality food trays is an essential part of ensuring a positive dining experience.

macarons in square disposable wooden food trayWhat Kind Of Businesses Use Disposable Food Trays?

Aside from the obvious uses for takeout restaurants and catering companies, other businesses that use disposable food trays are usually trying to save on costs in the long run. The upfront investment might be higher, but it eliminates the need for washing and sanitizing reusable trays. This is especially important in food service businesses where dishwashing takes up a lot of time and resources. Plus, it’s much easier to just throw away a dirty tray than to scrub it clean. 

Disposable food trays are also convenient for businesses that cater to large events or functions. Oftentimes, these businesses don’t have the manpower or space for washing hundreds of dishes, so they opt for disposable trays instead. By understanding the different types of food trays and how to choose the right one for your needs, you can improve your business’ efficiency and reduce costs. The benefits of using the right type of food tray are many, so if you’re looking for a way to improve your takeout business, be sure to check out the selection of food trays at today.ask us about getting your logo on products

When it comes to to-go containers, there are a lot of options for materials that businesses can use. But with so many options, from take out boxes to our take out bags, it can be difficult to know which type of material is best for your needs. Here’s a quick guide to help you pick the right material for your business.

One thing you’ll learn pretty quickly is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for the material that take-out containers are made of. The best material for your to-go containers will depend on the type of food you’re serving, how often you’ll be using the containers, and your budget.

different kinds of takeout food containersWhat Kind of Food Are You Transporting?

To-go can mean a whole lot of different types of food. From a light salad to a hearty soup, the weight and type of food you’ll be transporting will play a role in what material is best for your needs.

If you’re transporting light foods like salads, you’ll want to avoid materials that are too heavy or bulky. This is where plastic or paper containers can be a good option. They’re lightweight and won’t add a lot of extra weight to your food.

On the other hand, if you’re transporting heavier foods like soup or stew, you’ll want to make sure your containers can stand up to the weight. This is where sturdier materials like these grab-and-go containers are probably a better option. They won’t collapse under the weight of your food, and they’ll keep everything hot or cold as it should be.

How Often Will You Be Using the Containers?

The frequency with which you’ll be using your to-go containers is another important factor to consider. If your customers will only use them once, which is the case for most to-go containers, you might be more concerned with cost than durability. In this case, paper containers are a great option. They’re relatively inexpensive, they’ll get the job done, and the environmental impact is minimal.

On the other hand, if the containers will be reused, you’ll want to make sure they’re made of more durable material.  Plastic containers are a good option in this case. They’re more expensive than paper, but they’ll last longer and can be used multiple times.

various paper takeout containersWhat’s Your To-Go Container Budget?

Of course, one of the most important factors to consider is your budget. Every business has to keep a sharp eye on the bottom line, but offering to-go options is a big part of many businesses. Even though the worst of the COVID pandemic seems to be behind us, take-out has remained an important component of many restaurants.

If you’re on a tight budget, paper containers are almost always going to be the better bet. Paper is relatively inexpensive, so you can get a lot of bang for your buck. And, if you’re worried about the environment, a lot of paper options are made from recycled materials or can even be recycled itself (or composted).

Other Frequently Asked Questions About To-Go Containers

sugarcane plantation

What is bagasse?

Bagasse is a type of paper that is made from sugarcane. It’s a sustainable material that is often used for to-go containers because it is durable, compostable, and can be molded into any shape.

What plastic is used for takeout containers?

The most common plastics used in take-out containers are low-density polyethylene or polypropylene. These plastics are lightweight and durable, making them a good option for transporting food.

What is the most eco-friendly take-out container?

No matter how you define eco-friendly, either in the carbon footprint of its construction to the environmental impact after it’s been used, there is no better option than paper.  Paper is a renewable resource, meaning it can be replenished quickly. And, if it’s made from recycled materials, the environmental impact is even lower.

Are aluminum takeout containers safe?

aluminum takeout containerYes, aluminum take-out containers are safe. They’re made from a food-grade metal, so you don’t have to worry about the leaching of chemicals into your food.

What kind of containers are best for meal prep?

various meal prep container options

There are a lot of different options for meal prep containers, but the best ones are going to be made from durable materials.  This is because you’ll be using them multiple times, so you want something that will withstand repeated use.  Plastic or metal containers are a good option for meal prep.

How do you keep moisture out of food containers?

If you’re using paper containers, you can line them with wax paper to help keep moisture out.  You can also use silicone lids, which create a tight seal and help to keep moisture out. The great thing about solutions that keep moisture out is that they also keep moisture in, which is an important concern when you want to prevent leaks or keep food moist. Another option is to also use plastic containers with vents – which will release steam and moisture.

great takeout containersGreat Containers For Great Food

There are a lot of options for to-go containers, but every type of food has different needs. Paper and bagasse containers are probably the best choice across the board, checking all the important boxes: eco-friendly, easy to make, and won’t leak. Plastic containers might be the best choice if you’re looking for an extremely durable option that won’t break or leak, either, and can even be reused. Consider your needs carefully before making a decision so that you can choose the best option for your business. As always, check out the great selection of to go containers at

When it comes to takeout containers, there are a lot of factors to consider. What type of food will you be serving? What is the size and shape of the container? And most importantly, what are your customers expecting? In this blog, we’ll break down all the important factors you need to take into account when shopping for takeout containers. We’ll also provide some tips on how to find the perfect boxes for your business.

identify which takeout container you needIdentify Your Needs

Getting takeout food containers to keep and preserve food is a must whether you operate a take-out, offer take-out alternatives, or need to transport meals to locations.  The first step is to take an inventory of everything you’ll need containers for. Will you be packaging up large entrees, small sides, or a la carte items? Do you need separate compartments for different food types? Once you know what kinds of foods you’ll be serving, it will be easier to find the right type of container.

different takeout materialsMaterial Matters

Once you know what kind of takeout containers you need, it’s important to identify what those containers will be made out of.  The most common takeout container materials are paper, plastic, and foil. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks. 

Paper takeout containers can be compostable and recyclable, making some varieties a good choice for businesses that are looking to be eco-friendly. They’re also leak-resistant and can keep food hot or cold, depending on what you’re serving. The downside to paper takeout containers is that they’re not as durable as other options, so they might not be the best choice if you’re transporting food over long distances.

Plastic takeout containers are very durable and can be used for hot or cold foods. They’re also leak-resistant and easy to stack. However, many plastic takeout containers are not compostable or recyclable, so they’re not always the best choice for businesses that are looking to be eco-friendly. For an example of plastic containers that are easily recyclable, check out’s extensive PET offerings

Foil takeout containers are a good option if you’re serving hot foods. They hold heat well and can be stacked on top of each other. Foil takeout containers are also leak-resistant. However, they’re not compostable or recyclable, so they’re not the best choice for businesses that are looking to be eco-friendly.

various sizes of takeout containersChoose the Right Size Takeout Containers

When it comes to takeout containers, size matters. You want to make sure you’re choosing a container that’s big enough to hold all the food you’re serving, but not so big that it’s wasteful. 

If you’re packaging large entrees, you’ll need a larger container. But if you’re only serving small sides or a la carte items, you can get away with a smaller container. There are also containers with compartments, which can be helpful if you’re serving multiple items.

Think About Your Customers

Your take-out containers also need to be appealing to your customers. After all, they are the ones who will be opening up the boxes and taking out the food. If your take-out containers are not up to par, it will reflect poorly on your business.

When it comes to take-out containers, there are two main things customers care about: convenience and sustainability. They want containers that are easy to open and close and that won’t leak or spill. And they also want containers that are eco-friendly and won’t add to the growing landfill problem.

There are a lot of take-out containers on the market that meet both of these criteria. You can find boxes made from recycled materials that are also easy to open and close. Or you can go with biodegradable options that will decompose quickly and won’t add to the landfill problem.

Consider Your Budget

Of course, you also need to take your budget into account when shopping for take-out containers. The good news is that there are a lot of options available at different price points. You can find cheap plastic containers or more expensive eco-friendly options. It all depends on how much you’re willing to spend.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can always go with the classic plastic take-out container. These are typically very affordable and widely available. You can also find some reusable options made from durable materials like metal or glass. These will cost more upfront, but they’ll last longer and save you money in the long run.

find a supplierFind a Takeout Containers Supplier

Once you know what kind of take-out containers you need, it’s time to find a supplier. There are a lot of companies that sell take-out containers, so take your time and find one that offers the best selection and price. You can also look for online retailers that offer discounts when you buy in bulk. 

Other Questions People Ask About Takeout Containers

How much does a takeout container weigh?

The weight of a takeout container will depend on the material it’s made from and the size of the container. A small plastic takeout container, for example, might weigh less than an ounce. 

Are plastic take out containers safe?

Yes, plastic take out containers are safe for food storage. However, it’s important to make sure that you’re using the right type of plastic. Avoid storing food in containers made from PVC or polystyrene, as these materials can leach chemicals into the food. Instead, choose takeout containers made from PET or HDPE plastic. These are considered safer for food storage.

One type of plastic product to look out for is BPA-free containers. BPA, or bisphenol A, is a chemical believed to contribute to a variety of illnesses. Look for the BPA-free icon on plastic products.

3 compartment plastic container

How do delivery drivers keep food hot?

There are a few different ways that delivery drivers can keep food hot. Some use heated bags, while others rely on thermal containers. Heated bags have an electric heating element that keeps the food warm. Thermal containers, on the other hand, use insulation to trap heat and prevent it from escaping. Either way, delivery drivers can ensure that your food will arrive hot and fresh.

Do takeout containers need to be airtight?

No, takeout containers don’t need to be airtight. In fact, it’s often better if they’re not, as this allows steam to escape and prevents the food from getting soggy. However, if you’re transporting soup or another liquid, you might want to choose an airtight container to prevent leaks. 

Free air flow through vents is especially good for fried foods, as you can see on our fried food packaging at


What are the most popular takeout foods?

The most popular takeout foods vary from country to country. In America, pizza and Chinese food are two of the most popular takeout options. In Britain, fish and chips is a popular choice, while in India, chicken tikka masala is a popular takeout dish. Checks All the Boxes

Mr. is a clear winner in every category. We provide eco-friendly containers of every size and shape imaginable, made out of durable materials. And our prices won’t break the bank.