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Keeping Your Baked Goods Fresh Throughout the Day

As a bakery owner, you spend a significant amount of time creating your mouthwatering selection of pastries and baked goods for your customers to choose from. This is why it is essential to invest time and energy in ensuring that you preserve the freshness of your baked goods—and deliver only the highest quality to your customers. The tips below will help you to maintain in-store and at home freshness.

General Temperature and Humidity Control

The general temperature and humidity control inside of your kitchen and bakery must be maintained, regardless of the weather outdoors. Some pastries only do well in room temperature, while others do best in cool temperatures—and all do best when they have been allowed to fully and properly cool before being packaged or place in their display.

Learn What Should Be Refrigerated

A common misconception is that all baked goods will keep better if placed in the refrigerator, but this is far from the case. Pastries that are meant to be flaky and crisp may become tough and dry in the refrigerator. On the other hand, there are many cakes that will maintain their freshness when refrigerated—and many frostings and fillings that must be refrigerated, either for food safety or to maintain their texture.

Depending on what you have to offer your bakery may have a combination of both refrigerated pastry displays and room temperature pastry displays.

Sell Out On a Daily Basis

One goal you should set each and every day for your bakery is to sell out all of your pastries and baked goods by the end of each day. This means that you may need to offer a discount on items at the end of each day—and also that you offer your day-old bakery items the next day with a further reduced price. Also consider donating your day-old items to a nearby non-profit—which is tax deductible.

Identify Bread and Bakery Packaging

Whether all of your baked goods and pastries are prepackaged in the store or you package all of your items as ordered—identifying quality baked goods packaging is a must. Quality packaging such as bulk cupcake boxes and custom cake boxes will ensure that your baked goods arrived at their destination looking pristine, and as fresh as they were in-store. This means you may need to have a wide range of shapes and sizes to ensure that you have the appropriate cake boxes for every item you have to sell—or bulk cupcake boxes that hold a variety of numbers of cupcakes.

Following the tips above will ensure that you maintain the freshness of the delicious pastries and baked goods you work so hard to perfect. Make sure your customers are bakery quality freshness out of every bite with help from the baked goods packaging products at MrTakeOutBags.com. With an extensive selection and guaranteed low prices, MrTakeOutBags.com has helped hundreds of bakeries and food service companies keep their products fresh with their innovative packing solutions. Don’t let your hard work suffer during transportation, contact MrTakeOutBags.com for all your food service packaging needs today!