
Unboxing: Creating a Great Customer Experience

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If you’re a business owner, chances are you’ve noticed a boom in online sales recently. E-commerce has seen exponential growth, and it shows no signs of slowing down. According to estimates from Internet Retailer, consumers spent over $500 billion dollars in 2018 alone. And that’s about 15% more than what they spent in 2017.

What That Means For You

Even if you have a brick-and-mortar shop, chances are you might still be selling some items online. You want to make sure the entire package is thoughtfully assembled for a well-rounded experience for your customer. In many cases, they do not have the opportunity to stroll through your brick-and-mortar shop, or interact with your sales team. This is your chance to really allow them the full experience of working with your company, so make it a memorable one.

How a product is packaged will greatly affect how valuable a customer finds that product. For instance, imagine unboxing a high-quality shirt. Does the same shirt seem more valuable when it’s stuffed into a plain, clear bag, or when it’s wrapped nicely in custom tissue paper that bears the company’s logo? The choice is clear. The packaging will enhance your product’s perceived value as well as your customers’ experience. This helps your customer develop an idea of your company, even when you can’t interact with her face-to-face.

Helpful Items

Stickers can be both helpful and fun. Use them to seal the tissue paper wrapping, or apply them to the outside of the mailer or shipping box. Want to score some bonus branding points? Toss in a couple logoed stickers with the order and allow the customer to advertise for you either on their car, laptop, or water bottle.

Branded merchandise bags are another surefire way to set your company apart from the competition. This simple touch is what your customers will remember. Of course, if it suits your products better, opt for a custom printed wine or bread sleeve as a way to leave a lasting impression.

In the world of online retailers, it’s so important to provide your customers with an outstanding unboxing experience. Whether you’re ready to print your logo on some key items, or need help with an item, we can help! Give our Packaging Advisors a call at 888-321-2248 to learn more about what we can do to enhance your customers’ experience.

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