Author Foodservice Mya Koch Blog


So much changes as the seasons change. And as summer hits full swing, seasonal treasures pop up anew. Think summertime sports, vacations, concerts and festivals.  All the warm-air flowers and vegetables bloom and dot the landscape – and so do all of those food trucks you haven’t seen in a while. At the very heart of summer’s best happenings is fantastic summertime food … crowd-favorite treats that need to be served in the most convenient, easy-breezy ways. If you are lucky enough to operate one of these food trucks – or even a summer festival — you’ve already thought about location, capacity and the perfect warm-weather menu. But have you put enough thought into the packaging for food trucks that is going to help you serve those hungry crowds?

Packaging for Food Trucks Needs Much Consideration

These days, planning a great menu that’s convenient to serve just isn’t enough. When you are deciding on the most necessary items for every aspect of your food service business, you must take into consideration a few key points when it comes to packaging and serving:

  1. Sustainability – Do you have firm beliefs about being environmentally friendly? Does the area in which you operate your mobile restaurant have restrictions when it comes to the use of plastics or reusable packaging? If so, here at MrTakeOutBags we have a whole line of products to help you meet those criteria. Take a look here.
  2. Your image — If your food truck is called Vegan Foods from Mother Nature, you probably don’t want to serve those veggie wraps and hummus in Styrofoam. If your color palette is earth tones, you most likely don’t want to display your foods in bright orange plastic containers.
  3. Make sure the food you serve has packaging that serves it! — What would it be like if you stood in line for noodles to have them handed to you in a foil pouch when a grease-resistant food tray would work much better? Maybe not a good idea to serve customers milk in a pink plastic cup…. This would give the impression that the milk is strawberry flavored, for example. Would your customers like it if you served them a warm donut in a flimsy paper napkin? Probably not the greatest idea. How about a compostable clamshell instead?

Avoid Mistakes with Packaging for Food Trucks

According to an article by,  there are definitely some things you want to avoid when planning your summertime food truck or event packaging:

  1. Don’t use the same packaging as everyone else — Find items that will hold up well for your customers and that you won’t see on every other food truck at the rally. Due to that, you have to start with a great packaging company that offers a wide range of unique products. We’ve got you covered at, where you’ll find thousands of unique shapes and sturdy options in everything from food trays and takeout boxes to cups, utensils and napkins. And that’s just the beginning.
  2. Don’t go too cheap or too expensive – “This is an obvious fact in the retail market. People don’t want a designer bag in a cheap plastic bag,” the UsedVending article states. “Even though you’re selling gourmet food, keep your food truck packaging as conventional as possible.” Along those lines, for example, if you are catering an upscale wedding, consider some beautiful mini trays and cups for sampling. Or, if your food truck serves a simple menu of hot dogs and burgers, go with traditional foil wraps to keep them warm and serve with ease.
  3. Don’t add unneeded packaging for design only – A lot of food packaging goes to waste. Don’t add extra packaging items only to expand your design image. Keep your packaging list trimmed to minimize your environmental footprint and make service a lot easier. Many items available at top packaging companies like can have multiple uses. Serve both sandwiches and sides in a grease-resistant vented to-go box. Or why not create a gorgeous parfait in a tall drink cup?

Give Your Packaging Material Choice Some Thought

When it comes to owning a food truck or operating a summer festival, you have several types of packaging for food trucks to choose from. Again, consider your location, environmental laws, your customer base and weather when selecting from the following categories:

Foil and aluminum

Aluminum containers are most commonly found in rectangular, round and square shapes. Meanwhile, aluminum or foil food wrap or pouches can be perfect for serving burritos, hot dogs and sandwiches. They hold in heat and can hold up in a conventional oven for reheating.

Do keep in mind that aluminum foil containers may not be suitable for certain types of foods – especially those with high acidity or containing citrus or tomato-based ingredients. The acidity can react with the aluminum, adding a metallic taste and potential contamination. In addition, aluminum containers can be relatively fragile. The could dent or get crushed, potentially affecting the presentation and functionality of the food packaging. Additionally, aluminum foil bowls and containers often come in limited shapes and sizes.

Here are a few products available in foil and aluminum at

Paper / Foil Insulated Sandwich Wrap

Foil / Paper Insulated Sandwich and Burger Bag

Foil / Paper Insulated Hot Dog Bag (The Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team uses our hot dog and burger bags)

Foil / Paper Jumbo Insulated Sandwich and Burger Bag


Paper packaging has become an extremely popular choice. In addition to its lower cost, folks steer toward it for its sustainability and flexibility in design. Bakery items find a comfy home in paper bread bags. Paper cups are great on the go. Even paperboard lunch boxes have become a go-to for to-go service.

Here are some paper packaging products that our customers swear by:

Paper soup cups

Paperboard lunch boxes

Food delivery boxes for bakeries, restaurants, candy shops

Fried Food Takeout Packaging

Bread bags in all shapes and sizes

Paper hot cups for beverages

plastic cold cup packaging for food trucksPlastics

As explained by the article from, plastic food containers are great for heavier and more liquid offerings from a food truck. Available in many sizes, they also are easy to find in recyclable or reusable plastics to help with environmental worries. “These are popularly known as bio-plastics.” Some of the plastics you’ll see in use at these gatherings are in clamshell containers, cold cups,  meal-serving containers and even the bags to carry it all home in.

Let’s take a peek at some offered on our own website:

Bowls & Plastic Containers with Lids

Clamshell containers

Cups for cold drinks

Plastic takeout bags

Eco-friendly plastic bags

Customize to Open Their Eyes.

No doubt, if someone visits your food truck, they’re likely stopping by others this summer as well. If you want to stand out from all the other taco trucks or bakeries on wheels, lending your brand to your packaging is the best way.

You can start simple with your packaging for food trucks. Get a custom-printed label with your food truck or event logo printed on it. Even better, have your branding printed right on your box, cup or bag. Another route you can go is to have food-grade tissue printed to line your boxes.

While it may be a little late for July or August events, there’s still time to lend your own personal touch to your packaging for fall festivals and food truck rallies.

Take a look how we can help you do that here.

showing use of packaging for food trucksNo Need to Stress Over Packaging for Food Trucks. We’ve Got You Covered.

Whatever route you choose, take comfort in the fact that packaging supplies abound for summer fun on wheels or on the concert lawn. And always remember, at MrTakeOutBags, we’ll make the whole thing a breeze for you. Now let’s get rolling.


Your recipes are perfected and down to a science. Your menu is drawing people in. Your restaurant is cozy and welcoming and you have a great team behind you, but you still feel like something’s a little off. Think about it for a minute: What do your bags, boxes, cups and napkins convey about you and your business? Your focus has been on your food, but have you thought – really thought – about takeout packaging design and how it, too, can impact your fledgling business?

From your font choice to centerpiece art to colors and size of your branding, there’s a lot that goes into creating a graphic design statement that conveys the vibe of your eatery to its fullest.

Getting on the right track

When considering how – from a marketing and presentation standpoint – you want your food or retail business to be viewed by your customers and — more importantly — potential clients, there are a number of points you should consider. These include:

  • Contrasting vs. complementary colors
  • Popular and business-specific font choices
  • What to include / omit in your logo design
  • How big should your logo be?
  • Minimalist vs. maximalist
  • Nostalgia with a modern twist

Let’s take a closer look at each of these categories, and how to make them work for you.

examples of comlimentary colors used in takeout packaging designPicking colors for your takeout packaging design: contrasting & complementary

Your business has a distinct brand – with its own distinct colors worked in. But how do you make those colors work for your takeout packaging design?

You first need to understand what the terms contrasting and complementary mean

According to a 2019 article by Michael Reiner, for, a study about color psychology in marketing revealed that 84.7% of customers make a choice to purchase something based upon the colors they see. And to that end, color contrast and complementary colors create an aesthetic balance in the eyes of the consumer.

“Color contrast involves using two different colors with different amounts of tint and shade. Complementary colors are two colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. Orange and blue are two complementary colors that have synergy,” for example. Because blue is a dominant, dark color, adding bright orange can make a logo visually pleasing. “Many sports teams use the combination of orange and blue like the Florida Gators and the New York Islanders.”

Another example of complementary colors might be purple and yellow – also across from each other on the color wheel.

The fact is, contrasting, complementary and “opposite” mean just about the same thing when it comes to color. The color wheel becomes very helpful in discerning which go well together.

Blue, by the way, is a color that is universally liked by both genders. In an independent study, according to Reiner’s article, both men and women cited blue as their favorite color. Blue is a valuable color for commercial business because “it builds trust in relationships and marketing.”

It is of utmost importance when experimenting with contrasting complementary colors to be sure to adhere to the meanings of colors. For instance red conveys danger, fire, spice, courage, sacrifice. On the flip side, the color purple is associated with luxury, power, creativity and royalty.

Make sure, too, to not choose colors that frustrate people who are colorblind. Blue, interestingly, makes colorblindness nonexistent. In other words, most colorblind people can still see the sky as blue. Fun fact: That’s why it was chosen for the Facebook logo, according to Reiner’s article.

brightly colored takeout packaging

Bright and vibrant colors can also help your products and takeout packaging really pop off the shelves or catch eyes while traveling in public. Goodles, a nutrition focused boxed mac’n’cheese, uses solid and vibrant colors on their boxes that practically make the products jump off the shelf and into your cart.

Hues express you

An article about trends in packaging, released by manufacturer Innopak just this past March, points to the fact that colors can even convey a mission. How? Take a cue from companies that are embracing sustainability and environmental friendliness.

You’ll find that earth colors such as browns, muted greens, beige, white and yes, that blue, are being used more and more to “communicate their eco-friendliness before customers can even read the words on a package.”

More brands are beginning to use natural materials and colors in their packaging items as well. “More brands will use materials like plain kraft paper or fibers, and then choose not to bleach them or even print onto them. Instead, they’ll treat the plain material less like a canvas to paint on and more like a part of the artwork itself.”

a sampling of popular fontsFonts – What’s new, what’s good

Typography plays a key role in packaging design because it’s another component in communicating the product’s message to its buyer. The style of type you choose can be used to highlight key components of your product, such as its benefit or even its list of ingredients.

More generally, typography helps to create an overall aesthetic for your packaging – a means to make it stand out from other similar products on the shelf. In short, good typography can make a product more relatable, creating an emotional connection with potential customers.

Important to remember, though, is that designers and experts in the field recommend that you never use more than 3 font styles for your marketing programs.

According to an article by graphicszoo, there are some “delicious food fonts” trending right now. The article cites 50. Here’s a taste:

  1. Barbariska Rough2 – a rough-looking type that can go well on packaging or brochures
  2. Jonesy – lends a bit of a vintage feel to your packaging
  3. Simply Sweet Font Duo – perfectly fits with a confectionary, candy shop or bakery
  4. Jelligun hand-lettered – can make restaurant and food business designs look cheerful
  5. Butcher and Block – a versatile typeface for multiple marketing applications
  6. Clarkson Script – Another flowing font that works great for bakeries and confectionaries
  7. Mela Pro – A bold and bright food font with an Asian flair
  8. Wacca – A great, simple font style if your menu is all about organic foods
  9. Culinary – The name is self-explanatory. Think fancy restaurant.
  10. Mi Concina All Family – An entire font family that includes food and kitchen elements; highly recommended

Take a peek at the link above to see these fonts – and the other 40 – in action.

Leave it in or take it out?

Once you’ve honed in on your logo colors and fonts, you’ll need to consider what elements you want to call attention to in your packaging design.

Folks often highlight things such as:

  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Social media presence
  • Ingredients list
  • Photos
  • Menu highlights

But you must be selective in which items you include. There’s only so much real estate on a bag, box or cup. According to the article from Innopak, “Consumers are busier than ever before, and a clear design helps them determine whether they want to buy from your company. Designs that create too much noise will complicate a buyer’s decision-making process and risk being disregarded.” So take a few things into consideration:

  • Social media reference is good, but add a particular reason or “call to action” to visit social media – share photos, discounts, menus, etc.
  • Adding your website to your design or logo is a useful tool for consumers. They can find out all the other good stuff about your business by visiting there.
  • General locations, such as city, state or neighborhood are nice additions. That being said, street specific addresses are less important these days. Anyone looking for your exact location will likely pull it up on Google Maps anyway. An exception to this guideline is if you have two locations fairly close together that could be confused.

consider how packaging will be usedWhat size should my logo be?

Going max size or super large isn’t always the best idea. Why?

Well, for one thing, negative space around your logo or artwork can help it to stand out more on your packaging.

In addition, some thought needs to be given to how your packaging is used. Think about a regular paper bag. If your patrons or servers are going to roll the top down for carrying, you don’t want some of your art to “disappear” in the fold.

And while you may be tempted to lean toward central placement for your brand or logo, a smaller logo in a lower or upper corner treated like a “badge” can stand out and create a more reserved, elegant look – in turn – that will help you to stand out from the rest.

Should my packaging design be minimalist or maximalist?

Though minimalist and maximalist design coexist beautifully, each has their own pros and cons:


A co-worker in the food packaging industry likes to say “less is more.” This could not be more true of minimalist designs. Read on for the reason.

  • Most minimalist designs are flat
  • Typography is more of a focus
  • Negative space is used frequently — and effectively
  • Minimalist designs are simple, elegant and easy to understand.

Example: If you have a jar of Nutella in your cupboard, take a look. Simple, clean. Just the word, made to stand out.


Maximalist designs are a form of escapism for both the business owner and designer. Take a look at how.

  • Maximalist design doesn’t adhere to routine designs and restrictions
  • It uses bold, explosive typography such as display fonts and serif fonts
  • Radical color combinations often are employed
  • 3D or other extreme visual elements come into play
  • Graphic design elements are layered while continuing to follow rules of visual hierarchy
  • Marketing ideas are viewed with a non-conventional lens.

Example: With the way the ingredient images, spokespeople and type pops off the carton, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream employs maximalist packaging design to help it “pop” on the store freezer shelves.

Choose your vibe

Whatever “mood” you are drawn to for yourself, your business or its packaging and marketing, you can employ design elements to convey the same to your customers.

For example, if your business has a nostalgic feel, use vintage-inspired elements with a modern twist. Blend different decades using typography, iconology and imagery, as well as more vintage looking colors.

Just recently, Burger King brought back its retro-designed packaging to positive reviews. And think about the local diner – if it’s still housed in a train-car-style building or serves good old-fashioned comfort food, the signs out front probably evoke an era gone by with their type styles and colors.

More recently, there has been a revival in the grunge / punk and Y2K imagery in package design.

To achieve this, many business owners turn to a rough texture, hand-drawn elements and distressed-looking fonts. But use caution. If you choose one of those – such as Distractor Grunge or Funkrocker Distressed – don’t be shy about it.

Many folks don’t go far enough, causing onlookers to think the printing on their takeout bag was just poorly done or didn’t stick quite right. Commit to it, make a point of it. Go just a little bit farther out of your comfort zone for the best results.

Have fun with your Packaging Design

Just remember, no matter the message you want to convey, there’s a font, an image and a rainbow of colors for that. Do your research, hone in on your vibe and keep it simple.

Come on and say it with me: “Pee-fas.” If you are in any of the restaurant, food service, packaging, environmental or consumer waste industries, you no doubt have heard the term – often highlighted in news stories as “PFAS-Free Food Packaging.” It’s a big buzzword these days, yet for many, it’s definition may still be somewhat of a mystery. Let’s try to change that.

We’ll take a look at what it means, why it’s such a hot-button issue and how it impacts the food service industry as a whole.

defines pfasDefining PFAS

As explained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on its website, The per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a collection of chemicals used to make coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease and water. They can be used in a range of products that include clothing, furniture, adhesives, food packaging, heat-resistant nonstick cooking surfaces and more.

They are a concern because they:

  • Do not break down in the environment
  • Can move through soils and contaminate drinking water sources
  • And build up (bioaccumulate) in fish and wildlife.

And according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, because of their widespread use and longevity in the environment, PFAS are now being found in water, air, fish and soil across the nation and the globe. Scientific studies have shown that exposure to high levels of some PFAS in the environment could be linked to harmful health effects in humans and animals.

old chemical bottlesHow did PFAS come to be? reveals that the first PFAS were invented in the 1930s to be used mainly in nonstick and waterproof coatings, according to the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council. In the 1960s, after a deadly fire aboard U.S. Navy aircraft carrier The USS Forestal (1967), development of these chemicals greatly increased. They were seen as the best component at the time for creation of aqueous film forming foam, or AFFF, for firefighting purposes.

More evidence

Safer States, on its website, reports that more than 2,800 sites in all 50 states are contaminated by PFAS, forcing states and localities to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up pollution and ensure safe drinking water.

“Nearly every American has PFAS in their body. They are found in blood, breast milk and even umbilical cord blood of new babies,” the report stated.

Safer States reveals that although one of the first and biggest avenues for PFAS exposure has been Teflon or other nonstick pans, the chemicals found in take-out containers and other food packaging migrates into the food we eat. Hunters are being warned not to eat deer because they are contaminated. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, residents have been told to limit the number of fish they eat because of PFAS contamination. And farmers in Michigan and Wisconsin have seen their beef cattle contaminated due to polluted wastewater that winds up in fertilizers.

Scarier still, we drink PFAS chemicals in our own drinking water and even breathe them in our air.

It is for these reasons that PFAS-Free Food Packaging is becoming more desirable – and necessary — in the food service industry.

How can you take action?

The Natural Resources Defense Council, or NRDC (founded in 1970 by a group of law students and attorneys at the forefront of the environmental movement), gives some advice on minimizing your exposure to PFAS:

  • You can avoid the most obvious offenders by replacing nonstick pans with stainless steel, cast iron, glass or ceramic alternatives.
  • Do NOT heat up food that’s wrapped in grease-resistant packaging. Make popcorn on the stovetop instead of in PFAS-treated microwave bags.

Keep in mind that, starting a couple of years ago, compostable packaging that’s BPI (Biodegradable Products Institute) certified does NOT contain PFAS.

This is the case with many of our products at For example, our food service tissues and many of our takeout meal boxes are free of PFAS. And that’s just the beginning. We have a full line of PFAS-Free Packaging Products to offer.

pfas state law mapWhere has PFAS already been banned?

Many states have taken action to ban or regulate the use of PFAS in everything from cookware to children’s clothing – even firefighting gear.

Among the 26 current policies in 8 states and 104 adopted policies in 23 states, PFAS chemicals have been banned in the manufacture and distribution of food packaging in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Many of these new policies go into effect in 2023 and 2024, with some having begun last year.

Many other states, including Pennsylvania, have bills in progress to ban PFAS food service packaging altogether.

microscopeUnder the microscope

Government agencies have taken the lead in studying the impact of PFAS.

  • The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is “supporting an aggressive program of research on human exposure to PFAS chemicals and the potential for PFAS exposure to cause harm to children’s cognitive and neurobehavioral development, immune system dysfunction, endocrine disruption, obesity, diabetes, lipid metabolism and certain cancers.”
  • The EPA is leading a national drive to not only understand PFAS, but also to reduce their risks to the public. The agency is partnering with other federal agencies, states and local communities to protect human health and, “where necessary and appropriate, to limit human exposure to potentially harmful levels of PFAS in the environment.”
  • According to Safer States, scientists from all over the globe are calling on governments to eliminate the entire class of PFAS where possible, due to the significant human health and environmental impacts. In fact, a 2022 UN Human Rights Commission report urged countries to ban all uses of PFAS.

We’re being proactive with PFAS Free Food Packaging is taking an active approach, reaching out to our partner manufacturers to determine whether or not PFAS is used in the Grease Resistant paper products that we sell on our website – it is important to us to keep our customers informed – and to introduce as much PFAS-Free Food Packaging as possible. To that end:

  • will be expanding its catalogue of PFAS-Free Food Packaging products.
  • Our product pages now include icons indicating which packaging products are PFAS-free. Here are just a couple of examples:
  • PFAS-Free category page
  • PFAS-free items available.
  • In addition, a wide range of our paper bakery bags will be transitioned to PFAS-Free paper versions.
  • We also want to keep you informed. Check out our video explaining PFAS-Free Food Packaging

Manufacturers are lining up to comply. According to an article on Environmental Health News’ website dated August 2021, American manufacturers not only are working to create PFAS-Free grease-resistant containers and bags, they are also looking into open sourcing so that others can follow suit. Zume and Solenis are leading the way. The California based food company and American manufacturer of specialty chemicals partnered up and are turning to a new recipe for these paper products that does not contain the offensive chemicals found in PFAS.

While it seems that every year we have new threats to worry about, as far as food additives, chemicals and our environment, rest assured knowing that there are alternatives out there already and being created every day to ease the concern. And here at, we’ll do all we can to keep you educated, answer your questions and, above all, help your business to thrive by keeping you and your customers safe.

Bakers rejoice! It’s that time of year when the scents of cinnamon, gingerbread and something oh-so-chocolatey draw customers into your shops and friends into your kitchen. As you organize your measuring spoons, eggs, flour and recipes on your baking counter, it can be daunting to have all the tools you need on hand – keeping things simple can be difficult when you’re baking for a crowd. One solution: Disposable baking cups. And we’ve got them – a nice selection at to make the season easier on you and tastier for your guests.

historical baking paintingWhen did baking ‘rise’ to prominence?

According to, in the medieval period, baking cakes and breads was a luxury left to but a few. Those who could afford a wood-burning stove (and the wood to heat it) would start by baking bread. It became known that the better the quality, the higher up the social order you were.

Ovens were not a standard appliance, so it wasn’t until the 16- and 1700s that baking was transformed by globalization. Plump cakes and bready doughs with lots of butter, cream and raisins became popular as trade between countries started to be the norm.

By the late 17th century, sugar was cheap, so you saw “the emergence of mince pies as we know them, made with sugar and spices. And with the refinement of flour, you saw the development of gingerbread as we know it.”

Along with the rise in popularity of baking came the need for pans shaped for breads, cakes, pies and cookies. Over the years, that industry has exploded. And now, the packaging segment offers a disposable option for bakers with businesses big and small.

Let’s take a look at some of the fantastic disposable baking cups available at

colorful cupcakes in baking cups Paper baking cups brighten treats

Whether you are looking for the simplicity of a plain paper baking cup, the whimsicality of tulip-shaped or printed ones or the subtle shine of a gold or silver foil baking cup, we’ve got your cupcakes and muffins covered.

  • Our white paper baking cups come in several sizes, from mini (3/4-ounce) to regular (2 ounce) or jumbo (5 ounce), these simple and clean cups are ideal for any business in the baking industry. They’re made from an emulsified waxed paper and are approved by the FDA for direct food contact. Tolerating heat up to 450 degrees, they work perfectly for cupcakes, muffins, souffles and a range of baked goods.
  • Daisy combo baking cups lend an air of design to your baked goods. Perfect for “regular sized” cupcakes or muffins, they add a polished presentation to your buffet or party table. Coming in a combination of pink and yellow, the best part is that no baking pans are needed. Just fill them up and place on a cookie sheet and you’re good to go at temperatures up to 400 degrees. They’re grease-proof and separate easily, too.
  • We’ve all seen how pretty all those yummy muffins look nested in tulip style paper liners. And at, there are a multitude of colors and styles to turn to when it comes to paper lotus and tulip cupcake liners. Available in small (3 to 4 ounce) and large (4 to 5 ounce), you can choose between natural kraft, white, yellow and black with a silver swirl. Or get creative with the polka dot 4-color combo pack. The unique pointed edges resembling a flower add the perfect touch to any celebration table. They are grease-proof and can withstand a 425-degree oven.
  • Silver fluted baking cups and gold fluted baking cups are a no-brainer choice when you want to add a festive shine to your event or restaurant. Offered in a mini truffle size (3/4-ounce) and regular size (2 ounce), these fluted cups are constructed of waxed paper laminated with foil and also approved for direct food contact. They’ll hold up to 450 degrees and fit perfectly in regular sized inserts and bakery boxes – just like all of our paper baking cups. The gold ones are available only in the regular 2-ounce size.

flatbread in large trayBigger job, bigger baking cups

Many folks in the baking industry are looking for ways to streamline their work and be sustainable, too. Enter baking cups made for larger jobs. Let’s take a closer look at what I mean.

  • Solut! Brown kraft baking cups with compostable coating hold 8 ounces of product, are sustainable and disposable – perfect for individual portions. Dual ovenable, they stand up in a 400-degree oven for up to an hour. They eliminate metal or foil to ensure safety and minimize liability, and better still, they are lined with silicone-based coating, meaning you most likely won’t need a separate release coating. Since there’s no assembly required, you can nest them easily to eliminate set-up labor and they can even be handled immediately after baking. Our Solut! brown kraft round baking cups, which have a 10-ounce capacity and release coating offer all of the same great properties.
  • Next up, take a look at our 5.7-ounce fluted round baking cups with grease barrier coating. Made of kraft paper, they are safe in an oven up to 400 degrees, or a microwave. They’re environmentally friendly, freezer safe and easy to handle – just like their cousins above.

bread loaf in mini trayStill more for your baking needs

If it’s not cupcakes or muffins you’re churning out in your bakery, that’s OK, too. We have some unique accessories to help you along:

  • Kraft loaf baking pans in two sizes are an attractive, cost-effective way to bake, transport, sell and serve. With a designer print for elegant presentation, they have an available dome lid and are made with grease-resistant heavy kraft paper that turns up its nose at grease wicking and spotting. Just fill and bake. They’re safe for cooking or reheating in both the microwave and conventional oven.
  • Just the thing for egg bite mini souffles or meatball appetizers, these attractive and unique dual cups can take 400 degrees for up to an hour and are made with recycled, renewable resources. They are coated with quick-release material, too.
  • Solut! baking trays make for a quick cleanup when preparing a casserole, sheet cake or cookies. They come in black or kraft and have an available lid for easy transport. And like all of our baking supplies, they are sustainable, easy to store and oh-so versatile.

So go ahead, get that flour all over your apron. Give that mixer a heavy workout. We’ve got the supplies to make your baking fun and simple.

Almost all of us have one – that stash, bin or dispenser of plastic bags we’ve rescued from the grocery haul just sitting there in our homes. We don’t give much thought to the power of the plastic bag when it comes to having a good solution for our patrons in the restaurant, coffee shop or boutique. But when it comes to the oft-maligned plastic bag, it may be worth giving another thought.

Plastic bags offer a multitude of benefits and many these days are, in fact, eco-friendly compared with their ancestors in the packaging world.

It’s true that some towns across the country are enacting plastic bag bans – many others are not. And while paper shopping bags and non-woven reusable bags are filling the gap beautifully for MrTakeOutBags customers and others, there are still reasons to continue to purchase and offer plastic takeout bags to your customers.

floating plastic bagsWhat are the perks to plastic bags?

There are several advantages to selecting plastic takeout bags when you are deciding how best to package your products for your customers.

COST – Because plastic bags can be mass-produced in larger quantities (from fewer resources), they often cost less than other packaging solutions. And for companies like, that is a cost savings that is easily passed on to  you, our own valued customers.

STORAGE AND SHIPPING – Plastic bags are relatively thin and lightweight, meaning they take up less space when they are packed as well as stored. This has a ripple effect, leading to a lower cost when shipping cases of them to your business.

AVAILABILITY – Coming back to being mass-produced, plastic bags are manufactured all over the country and generally well stocked in packaging and distribution businesses such as MrTakeOutBags. They come in a vast range of sizes, weights and styles; no matter what you are offering, we likely have a plastic bag that will work for you and your clients.

DURABILITY – If you’ve ever had a grocery clerk fill one too full or had moisture from that takeout meal leak into the bottom of the bag, you know the mess that can happen when it breaks. Plastic bags can handle weight and moisture, they stretch well and offer peace of mind when transporting goods.

The practical popularity of plastic bags

According to an article on the history of plastic bags from the United Nations Environment Programme, plastic shopping bags, which were “a novelty in the 1970s,” can now be found in every corner of the world.
They are produced at a rate of up to a trillion bags a year and show up everywhere from the ocean to Mount Everest. And while this widespread use raises a number of environmental challenges, their popularity has not yet begun to wane.

Let’s look at a timeline:

1933 — Polyethylene, the most commonly used plastic, was created by accident at a chemical plant in Northwich,
England. Though polyethene had been created in small batches before, this was the first “synthesis of the material that was industrially practical. Seeing its potential, it was initially used in secret by the British military during World War II.”

1965 – The one-piece polyethylene shopping bag was patented by Swedish company Celloplast. Its design quickly replaces cloth and paper throughout Europe.

1979 – Already controlling about 80 percent of the bag market in Europe, plastic bags begin to spread to the United States and other nations worldwide. Plastic manufacturers begin to aggressively market their single-use product as superior and more cost-effective to paper and other reusable bags.

1982 – Safeway and Kroger – two top supermarket chains in the United States, switch to plastic bags. Though they were yet to be fully accepted by shoppers, because these single-use bags are cheaper than alternatives, more stores follow the lead of Safeway and Kroger and make the switch. By the end of the decade, plastic bags almost entirely replaced paper around the world.

different types of bagsA bag for every reason

No matter what you need to pack up in a plastic bag, there is a safe, high-quality option available.

BEVERAGE CARRYOUT BAGS – Yes, you can have your takeout customers tote their drinks in bags. You can secure your drinks while carrying them easily with one hand in Wave Style Cup Carrier Bags. The square bottom in these clear plastic bags allows your drinks to stay in place without tipping or causing messes.

At 1.30 mils, they are heavy-duty and ensure secure transportation.

Up to two 32-ounce drinks fit comfortably inside of these translucent carriers that come ready to use with no printing. That being said, they also are fully customizable to show off your restaurant’s brand or logo.

Even better, there’s a Seal-2-Go option that offers a unique tamper evident delivery style with today’s home-delivery market in mind. There’s a permanent closure adhesive strip and a perforated line for opening, as well as a wide opening at the top that makes for easy loading. Providing peace of mind, this style ensures that no delivery driver can sneak a sip or contaminate your customer’s order – or your good name.

Check out our Beverage Carryout Bags here.

woman with mask and bagTAMPER EVIDENT PLASTIC BAGS – With the popularity of meal delivery services such as Grub Hub and Post-Mates that use third-party drivers to deliver food from your business to your customers, it’s more important than ever to protect the integrity of your products.

Tamper-evident plastic takeout bags remove the worry and leave control in your hands. At, we offer two main styles:

  • Seal 2 Go — The main functionality of these poly bags lies in an adhesive strip across the top of each bag. Once the protective covering is removed, line up the handles and press the adhesive strip onto the other side of the bag and you’ll have a seal that only can be broken by destroying the bag. This makes it abundantly clear if anyone tried to get inside of the bag and deters would-be snackers from trying in the first place. Check out a video all about how they work here.
  • Deliver Safe – These tamper evident plastic carryout bags come with a permanent closure adhesive strip and are clearly printed with the “Deliver Safe” design and “Tamper-Resistant Delivery Bag.” Their attractive soft loop single handle provides upscale look and their large gusset bottom allows for takeout boxes to rest flat. They’re fully customizable with your brand or logo and can carry quite the meal, coming in 1.75 mil and the heavier-duty 2.25 mil weights. Take a look at the Deliver Safe option.

WAVE BAGS – With their convenient carry handle, multitude of colors and flexibility, plastic wave bags have become a go-to choice for to-go food services:

  • Super Frost – These unique and distinctive bags will add a touch of style to your business’ offerings. Durable and compact, they keep food secure and reduce hassle for your staff and clients. Available in multiple colors and sizes, they are 2.0 / 2.25 mils thick, providing support and security, while their flat bottom adds ease and convenience. Available in lagoon blue, sizzling pink, lime, purple and clear, they can be customized with your business name and come in three sizes. Have a look for yourself.
  • Super Wave – At, our Super Wave style takeout bags have larger gusset bottoms and heavier gauge poly that provides superior strength. In fact, they can take on double to triple the weight of the average plastic bag and accommodate just about any type of takeout container.
    From leftovers to platters and trays, leaking and spilling chances are greatly reduced. Some even sport an attractive “Enjoy” design that is appealing to restaurant owners and diners alike. Take a look at the wide range of Super Wave bags available.
  • Biodegradable – Yes, Virginia, there are environmentally friendly plastic bags. Our most popular wave-style bags are now available with fully degradable plastic additive, making them among the most eco-friendly takeout bags on the market. The plastic is created using TDPA — which stands for totally degradable plastic additive – added to the normal poly, making it perfect for bake shops, coffee houses and all restaurants.
    These attractive bags are non-toxic and FDA approved for direct food contact. They come in four versatile sizes.

And now, we can offer a new look with our biodegradable black wave bags, which are quickly becoming a popular choice among eatery owners, boutique operators and dozens of other industries. Take a look at them here.

Keep in mind, too, our heavier-duty plastic carryout bags help to protect the environment, because folks tend to  hang onto them and reuse them long after the leftovers are gone.

T-SHIRT BAGS – These are the ones we all know and love – and pick up almost everywhere we shop. T-shirt bags are the most economical plastic carryout bags out there. Thin but strong, coming in 0.52 to 0.60 mils depending on their size, most come with no printing and are available in a wide range of sizes and colors.

Some do sport a multilingual “Thank You” design, but as always, can be personalized with your business name and colors. Take a look at our customizable T-shirt bags then give us a call to get yours.

CLEAR FOOD SERVICE BAGS – Do you offer candies, pretzels or popcorn in your store? Maybe a special coffee you’d like to show off. We’ve got you covered there, too. Our poly bags with a crimped bottom perfectly hold and showcase chocolate covered pretzels, lollipops and more. Add your own ribbon for a special touch.

In addition, we can offer clear frosted tin tie bags with a chipboard bottom. Easy to fill and use, they are the perfect home for coffee, loose tea, popcorn or even high-end bath products.

Ready to check them out for yourself? Have a look here.

RIGID HANDLE BAGS – Caterers are always in need of a good, strong bag when families come in for a feast. With several options available, our poly takeout bags fill the bill.

  • Clear takeout bag with handleSuper Clear Polypropylene Cupcake Bags are specifically designed to fit many of our cupcake boxes — even a mix-and-match of sizes that easily stack within. Use them for pie or cake boxes, takeout meals and more. We have another one that’s just as accommodating, in a slightly smaller size.
  • Black Poly Takeout Bags with White Handle – Dress up your fast casual offerings with this stylish matte black poly bag. It’s ideal for everything from BioPak meal boxes to plastic containers, oversized catering lunch boxes and baked goods. See for yourself how wondferful they look and remember, your logo would look great on them, too.

SOFT LOOP HANDLE BAGS –  If what you are needing is a larger, more durable bag to handle bigger takeout orders, you’ve found it. Soft-loop handled plastic carryout bags stand up to more weight and hotter temperatures. The strong soft loop handles provide ease of transportation and there are several styles and sizes to select from.

The half tray bag can carry up to two half-size catering trays and the full tray bags can haul up to three full-size catering trays. The heat-sealed square bottoms help to prevent leaks and messes and as always, they are fully customizable.

DIE-CUT HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC CARRYOUT BAGS – These extra heavy duty bags come in thicknesses of up to 2.5 mils, making them perfect for heavy deliveries as well as for reuse. The patch reinforced die-cut handles won’t break or give out on you and the flat bottom allows for ease of packing small containers such as burger and sandwich clamshells or desserts.

Manufactured with low-density polyethylene, they are strong, versatile and flexible. Have a peek at the range of sizes available through MrTakeOutbags.

polymerchainHi-density vs. low-density

According to the website, high-density bags will have a more stiff feeling and sound “crunchier.” In contrast, low-density poly bags will be quieter when carried or opened and have a softer feel.

And while hi-density plastic is thinner, it can still maintain its strength and can be more cost-effective, especially for a business just starting out.

The choice is yours; the pleasure is ours

Whichever style, color or size plastic bag you are in need of, we have the selection and the staff to help make it easy for you. Give us a call, send us your logo. We’d love to be your one-stop shop for all of your packaging needs. And that’s a promise you can carry with you.

There’s a bit of a chill in the air. It’s getting dark a bit earlier. The kids are in school and the football team’s on the field. It’s soup time, folks! And as caterers, wedding planners and restaurant owners open their recipe books to their most successful offerings, it’s time to consider the perfect disposable soup containers to help get all that goodness delivered to your guests.

Today, we’re going to take a closer look at the soup trend, as well as how best to protect these warming blends.

paper soup container with crackers A brief history lesson

A quick look at Wikipedia reveals the interesting history not only of soup, but of where to enjoy it. The word “restaurant,” which originally meant “(something) restoring,” was first used in France during the 16th century, when it referred to a highly concentrated, inexpensive soup sold by street vendors. It was advertised as an antidote back then to physical exhaustion.

In 1765, a Parisian entrepreneur opened a little shop specializing in these healing pots of broth, which prompted the use of the modern word “restaurant” for those eating establishments.

According to the folks at Campbell’s Soup, in Xianrendong Cave, Jiangxi Province, China, the first example of a soup bowl was discovered, thought to date all the way back to 20,000 BC. The scorch marks found on it indicated to the scientists that unearthed it that the user was creating a hot soup of some kind. “Ancient soup makers may have simply dug a pit, lined it with animal skin or gut, filled this ‘pot’ with water and dropped in some hot rocks,” The Campbell’s Website noted.

Thankfully, soup has evolved over many years into thousands of delicious variations a lot more nutritious – and in need of the perfect packaging in which to serve them.

pho disposable takeout containerOptions abound for disposable soup containers

Spend a little time at and you’re sure to discover a soup container to fit your needs as a restaurant owner, caterer or school administrator.

They come in single serving, multi-serving and even large serving / catering options. The nice thing about those is that they come with a convenient, safe outer carrying case. Take a look.

To make it even easier for you, our disposable soup containers come in several types of materials, too.


  • KraftKraft Paper soup containers are a sturdy and environmentally sound way to package your customers’ favorite soups for takeout. They function like a soup bowl and offer easy transport. Vented lids allow steam to escape while keeping the contents inside from splashing out. Available in four sizes, they’re leak resistant, but it’s important to note they’re not completely leak-proof.
  • White – With much the same properties as the kraft version, these White Paper Soup Containers are both microwaveable and freezer safe. Their inner and outer liners – just like the kraft – make them leak resistant and keep food fresh and hot. Their gloss exterior helps to prevent condensation from weakening the paperboard and they are sold as a convenient combo, with lids.
  • Compostable Paper – If going green is important to you (and it is to many of us), no need to keep looking. These Compostable Paper Soup Containers are made from all-natural materials. They’re stackable, leak resistant and durable, too.
  • Compostable Bagasse – Made from 100% sugar cane fiber (a byproduct of sugar refining), Compostable Bagasse Bowls are 100 percent tree and plastic free, making them a great choice for sustainability. Microwaveable and freezer safe, they are oil and cut resistant and compostable both in the home and in commercial facilities.
  • Paper lids – Many of our soup containers either come with or have available paper lids. These are a great choice for their leak-resistance and ability to keep heat in. They generally won’t let your soup or sauce out, but will let air pressure and steam out to keep your product its freshest. This is a result of non-aligned steam holes in the lids – through two layers of paper.


  • Classic Delitainers – A practical choice for safely serving and transporting soups and sauces, Newspring Delitainers are extremely durable and leak-proof bowls perfect for hot or cold contents. The lid snaps and seals tightly to prevent messes and their strong plastic is able to withstand high heats up to 250 degrees, as well as freezing temperatures. They come in four sizes and because they are clear, you can show off your gourmet goodies in the store or the takeout bag.
  • Ramen Bowls – Our Asian-inspired Takeout Ramen Soup Bowls come in various sizes great for single portions or family sizes. Extremely durable, air-tight and leak-resistant, they’re microwaveable, dishwasher safe and freezer friendly. Made with food safe FDA approved materials, they can hold anything from soup to pastas to sauces and are 100% recyclable (Type 5). Another perk is that their raised flat-top lids allow for them to be stacked while also increasing interior capacity a great deal. Check them out, but keep in mind these are a “special order” product and could take up to a week to ship out to you or your restaurant staff.

A size for every serving

When you visit and begin to peruse the offerings in the category of disposable soup containers, you’ll discover what a wide range of sizes are available. Listed in fluid-ounce capacity, we have them to accommodate servings of 8, 12, 16, 32 and 64 ounce.

Caterers and restaurateurs serving bigger crowds might want to take a closer look at our 64-ounce combo deal, which comes with the large paper soup container with lid that’s also a good fit for ice cream, side dishes or pastas. This time of year, they’re a popular choice for gatherings. And best of all, you can save 15 percent compared with buying the components separately.

lentil soup closeupAccessorize your Disposable Soup Containers


Your clients and diners won’t have to worry about how to get that delicious fall soup from the container into their bellies. We have some great suggestions for accessories.

For starters, our ladles make for an elegant, mess-free presentation. Made of premium quality heavy-duty high gloss plastic, they are reusable and have the look of permanent wear.

The 1.75 oz serving size aids with portion control, has a pouring spout on each side, a comfortable wide handle and can be used for soup, sauce, or dressing. They’re recyclable, too. Also available in a 3.5-ounce size, they’re even great for serving punch or festive holiday drinks.


Your diners will need spoons, too. At MrTakeOutBags, our disposable soup spoons have the look and appeal of stainless steel flatware, while being made of durable polypropylene and offering the ease of one-time use. This offers a path to a formal presentation without the high cost of renting, owning or cleaning permanent flatware.

They’re made in the USA and available right here.

We also can offer individually wrapped black soup spoons that are just the right choice for business meetings, lunches or banquets.

paper disposable soup containersVersatile Disposable Soup Containers a hallmark of autumn

With the rising popularity of Ramen and Pho around the world – and the versatility the products have to offer – Disposable Soup Containers are more than just that – from soup to nuts (especially customized with your brand or logo), they are the logical and lovely choice for a cornucopia of fall delights.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a steaming to-go bowl of my favorite chicken noodle waiting.

For so many of us – and our customers – great spirits can be the final ingredient to a perfect night. A good bottle of wine can make all the difference. Just like you wouldn’t slap any old label on any old bottle, you wouldn’t use just any box to package it in. There are many wine packaging boxes on the market, so it can be difficult to know which one to choose. Here’s what to look for in wine packaging boxes, along with some tips on selecting the right one.

refucilo wine bottle Why is Wine Packaging So Important To My Business?

There’s a reason why food packaging is such an important business, with so many people fighting for your attention, your awareness –  and your money. Food packaging must not only be useful; it needs to be attractive, too – and a few other things you might not have thought of.

We can look to the master of marketing himself, Steve Jobs, for a lesson on the importance of making sure every aspect of a product – from its price to its design – must reflect the intrinsic quality of the product itself. “We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software etc.; if we represent them in a slipshod manner, they will be perceived as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities,” Jobs has said.

Jobs used the term “impute,” which is the process by which an impression of a product is formed by mentally transferring the characteristics of the communicating media to the product.

If you’ve ever opened an Apple product, then you already know the profound impact the right packaging can have on purchasing choices. This holds true whether you are in the business of selling tech products or top-shelf wines.

custom wine boxesDo Wine Packaging Boxes Make My Wine Look Good?

When it comes to wine packaging boxes, presentation matters. A wine box is more than just a container; it’s an extension of your brand. It needs to protect your wine and keep it safe from damage during transport, but it also needs to look good doing it.

Think about the last time you were in a store and you saw a wine box that caught your eye. It might have been the color, the design or the way it was displayed. Whichever it was, you stopped, looked and maybe even purchased the wine inside.

Now think about the last time you were in a store and you saw a wine box that looked like it was made out of cardboard and duct tape. It probably didn’t make you want to buy the wine.

With boxes such as the wine presentation boxes from, you can have the best of both worlds: a box that looks good and protects your wine.

The wine presentation boxes by are made out of high-quality materials, like cardboard and kraft paper, and they’re designed to protect your vintage. They’re also easy to assemble, so you can get your wine from the store to your customers’ homes without damage.

And because they’re made out of high-quality materials, they have appeal to your potential buyers. The wine presentation boxes by come in a variety of colors and designs, so you can find one that fits your brand. And if you want to take your wine presentation to the next level, you can add a custom logo or branding.

How Does This Product Protect My Wine?

A good wine packaging box will not just look great, it will do a good job protecting your product, too. Here are some of the features you’re going to want to keep an eye out for:

How Thick is the Material?

The thicker the material, the better it will be at protecting your wine.

Does it Keep the Wine Secure?

You’re going to want a wine packaging box that can prevent bumps and breaks, and reduces that hair-raising “clinking” noise that bottles make when they knock against each other.

Is it Constructed For Stability?

In addition to a sturdy, durable material, a good wine packaging box will have features such as locking tabs and sturdy bottoms to keep the bottles stable and safe.

Wine packaging boxes from MrTakeOutBags have all of these features and more.

4 and 6 pack wine carriersWhat Types of Wine Packaging Boxes Are There?

The presentation box is the first and most common type of wine packaging box. These wine packaging boxes are designed to be used for special occasions, like weddings or anniversaries. Those available at are made out of high-quality cardboard and come in a variety of colors and designs. These boxes lay flat and have a flat top. They feature separator inserts, too, to keep the wine safe and secure.

And remember, they’re a fantastic option for your company’s special product promotions or holiday gift presentations, too – no matter if you’re in the wine industry, banking, law and so much more.

A wine carrier box is used for wine that will be transported, like when you’re going to a picnic or taking a bottle to a friend’s house. These boxes have locking handles and are made to stand up and be carried. The wine carrier boxes from come in a variety of colors and designs, too, and are fully customizable.

What if you want to transport more than one bottle? Not a problem with a 4-6 bottle carrier box  – a box that’s made with the same care for beauty and functionality as the other options you’ll see here.

If you’re looking for reusable bags to replace plastic and other types of bags meant to be repurposed, take a look at some reusable wine totes. They do the job and won’t contribute to clogging up a landfill.

With the quality of materials, appealing looks and protective properties, the variety of wine presentation boxes and wine carrier boxes from has you covered. Give us a call and ask about putting your special touch onto these fantastic products. Salut!

Sometimes, it’s hard to understand why some of MrTakeOutBags’ products can be custom printed in smaller quantities than others. And, we hear a lot of questions about why some projects have plates and set-up costs, while others don’t. So today we’re going to do our best to provide some answers to questions about food packaging printing.

Methods for Food Packaging Printing employs a range of different printing methods for different products. Below is an explanation of the different printing methods that we can employ.

food packaging digital printingDigital Printing

Some products can be custom printed using a digital press, which is kind of like a big, expensive, technically advanced copier machine. 

The product (a cup for instance) is fed into the press and ink is sprayed onto the product (the cup) in very precise patterns, based on directions that are translated from the electronic art file. 

Digital printing usually (not always) is printed in “four color process.” Basically, that means that four colors: Cyan (light blue), Magenta (light red), Yellow, and Black inks are combined to give the illusion of a full-color image. 

Obviously, there are no plates or tooling involved in the digital print method. So, set-up costs are low. 

One downside of the digital print method is that the cost per unit doesn’t decrease much as your print quantity goes up. It costs the same cost per case to one case of cups as it does when printing 25 cases – if they’re produced using the digital print method.

food packaging flexographic printingFlexo Printing

Flexo (flexographic) printing is the most commonly employed ink printing method for food packaging. 

Imagine a printing press that is set up with a rubber stamp (the plate) that’s wrapped onto a cylinder on the press. The rubber stamp (plate) is then coated with ink in the image area. That inked image is then transferred to the printing surface.

If the image being produced contains more than one color, a separate rubber stamp plate is made for each color and wrapped onto separate printing units on the press. The press operator makes sure that each color is lined up (registered) to the color from the preceding unit(s). 

Ink colors are often identified using the “Pantone” color system or a CYMK equivalent.

Depending on what sort of paper, plastic or product is being printed, sometimes the colors don’t line up just perfectly. So, you might hear us warn you that the registration on a flexo printed project can float within a specified tolerance.

The upside of flexo is that the press can run very fast. The result is that the more you run, the lower the cost per piece.


food packaging printing hot stampHot Stamp Food Packaging Printing

Hot Stamp custom printing is an excellent choice for low-quantity branded boxes and bags.

This process requires a metal etched plate of the art being imprinted. So, the image needs to be fairly simple line art. 

The plate is heated and then pressed under pressure through a film that carries a layer of the preferred color. The heated, raised area of the plate’s image basically irons the film’s color layer onto the box or bag. 

Hot Stamping is a manual, hand-fed process, so it’s best suited for lower quantities.

Inline vs Post-print

Some projects are best suited for printing on the paper or plastic before the product is formed, folded and glued This is referred to as “inline printing.” 

And, some projects are best suited for printing after the product has been formed, folded and glued. This is called “post-print.”

inline printingInline

In-line printing happens at the manufacturing facility prior to the box, bag or cup being produced. 

This process is best for larger quantity orders, and it usually requires longer production and delivery times.

Big advantages of in-line production are:

  • Bags can be printed on the face, back, sides and bottom.
  • It’s a better cost-per-unit option for large volume quantities
  • Some products just don’t avail themselves to being printed after the product has been formed – like semi-auto boxes, or ripple cups


Post-print custom printing is accomplished by printing on a product that has already been folded, glued and finished in its final form. 

Post-print can be accomplished via a number of printing methods, including digital, flexo or hot stamp – depending on the specific item and the quantity.

It’s important to keep in mind that post-printing on a product means that the printing is taking place on an imperfect surface. So, there may be some occasional imperfections in the print caused by subtle variations in the fold, glue or forming of the product. 

Post-print also is limited by the “live print area” available for imprinting. A finished product may have folds or seams that the printing equipment may not print well over top of. For instance, a fully assembled shopping bag already has handles glued inside the bag, and a printing plate will not contact the paper evenly. In these cases we have to have a certain margin away from the “non-flat” parts of the bag for proper contact.

custom coffee cupsWe Can Help You with Branded Food Packaging Printing

Your Packaging Advisor can help you to sift through all of the possible print options and processes to find the best path for you and your business. We handle custom packaging for most foodservice businesses like restaurants, bakeries, coffee shops, food trucks, caterers etc. We also help non-food specific business like retail stores, hotels and resorts, colleges and universities and professional offices (doctor, dentist, law, realty.)

Our team of trained experts is here to take your call Monday through Friday from 9:00 am EST until 6:00 pm EST at 888-321-2248. Or, send us your info via our Custom Lead Form.

There’s nothing like it. You go to your favorite coffee purveyor, pick out your beans, they bag it up and you travel home. Now, the best part – you unfold those tin ties, unroll the top of the bag and take a big breath in, smelling the aroma of your chosen brew. Tin tie bags are the most wonderful way to showcase a good java.

But did you know, coffee isn’t the only thing that can find a great home in a tin tie bag? Businesses everywhere are discovering their many uses, styles and benefits. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at what tin tie bags have to offer.

What is it about tin tie bags?

Well, for starters, these traditional bags are an easy way to seal and secure the bag and its contents without an additional clip. Simply roll down the top of the bag and fold the wired ties around the ends.

In addition, by having the ability to roll down and reclose the bag as its contents are used, you’ll have a visual reference for how much of the product inside you have remaining.

Relatively inexpensive, too, tin ties are easy to fill up with a small scoop or a funnel. Just be sure to leave enough room at the top to roll it down as you go.

Another version of these bags now comes with a popular zipper seal. Take a look at those here.

A bag for many uses


Tin tie bags are perfect for coffee because they are designed to block moisture or oxygen from contaminating fresh coffee beans or ground coffee. Some even come with valves to help release gasses.

According to the folks at, Diacetyl, 2, 3-pentanedione, other volatile organic compounds and gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are naturally produced during coffee roasting and released (off-gassed) during and after roasting. Bags fitted with one-way valves allow the coffee to off-gas after it is packaged.

Inside these bags, there’s a small plastic, one-way valve. The valve not only allows the gasses to escape, but also prevents oxygen from entering the bag, which would reduce shelf life and cause your favorite java to go stale. Read more about this helpful invention.


Tin tie bags are a optimal way to store – and showcase – your most popular (or your customers’ favorite) snacks, such as:

  • Popcorn – Those kernels fit snugly inside a tin tie bag, yet the salts and butters don’t leak through. Companies across the country have found the benefits of using them, including Pittsburgh Popcorn, a thriving business for decades in the heart of the Steel City’s Strip District.
  • Candy – Think M&Ms, wrapped caramels, small lollipops or bridge mix. Even homemade hard candies or chocolates would work well. Just remember to store them in a cool, dry location.
  • Nuts – Grease resistant liners mean that oils are contained in the bag, and candied nuts will stay fresh and not clump together.
  • Pretzels – Mini pretzels look fantastic and stay fresh inside a nice tin tie bag.
  • Chips – Many restaurants showcase their homemade potato chips and offer them to take home inside of a tin tie bag. This provides yet another way to make money from your restaurant or café.


  • Biscotti – These tasty treats (that are awesome with a hot cup of coffee, by the way) line up nicely in a tin tie bag.
  • Cookies – All sorts of shapes and sizes of chocolate chip, oatmeal, shortbread and more can be easily tucked away inside one of these great bags.
  • Mini Donuts – You’ve seen in the grocery store how Little Debbie uses tin tie sacks for their donuts. You can, too, and with your label instead of theirs.


Many of our clients here at MrTakeOutBags have found the benefits of using tin tie bags for unique items, such as:

  • Soil samples — Because tin ties can pack flat, easily close and be written on in the field, they are a great choice for this industry. Their strength and moisture barrier with the poly lined option make them a practical pick.
  • Bath products — Many boutique fragrance shops use tin tie bags for their bath salts, bath bombs and potpourris.
  • Beading and jewelry supplies — Smaller tin tie bags are a great choice for folks browsing through bead bins or crystals.

black tin tie bag laying downTin ties bags take shape

Tin tie bags have four walls and a gusset, created from a single sheet of paper. A peak is created at the top when the bag is sealed.

Because they have a flat bottom, they stand upright. There are several benefits to this. They display beautifully and are easily stocked on shelves. In addition, they can easily sit flat inside of other, larger flat-bottom bags.

Tin tie bag sizes are generally based on dry weight measurements. They are available in a wide range, from half-pound to 5-pound capacity.

There’s a style for every use, too, including:

  • Poly lined, which keeps contents free from contamination
  • PLA lined – the perfect choice for any eco-friendly coffee shop or business.
  • Poly / plastic laminate bags, which use a combination of these materials merged together to provide a barrier for your products.
  • Window tin ties, which are a great way to show off those specialty items in your shop
  • Heat sealable. With these bags, the top opening can be sealed (with your own heat sealer) to provide a durable and secure fit. Once sealed, the top of the bag becomes tamper evident, with tear notches for the buyer to remove.
  • Chalkboard black is a popular choice for shops that use a white ink pen to personalize their items. These also are available with a PLA liner.

Are they earth-friendly?

In short, it depends. Tin tie bags generally are not recyclable if they’re made of a paper-poly combination. In addition, you’ll need to remove the actual tin tie by tearing it off before recycling the rest of the bag. This holds true for the PLA version as well.

PLA or pure paper tin tie bags are fully recyclable. The PLA version is made from 40 percent recycled, unbleached natural kraft paper that contains 25 percent post-consumer content. They are compostable as well.

Many plastic tin tie bags, which are becoming more popular, can be recycled with other plastic items. If you use these, be sure to check the bottom to see if the recycle number matches your area’s guidelines.

custom label on a tin tie bagPut your name on it!

Tin tie bags can easily be customized to showcase your brand or company logo. Hot stamping or full-color printing are two ways to accomplish this.

Another great idea that many shop owners employ is having a custom label made for the front of the bag.

In some cases, you can even request a custom color for the tin tie itself.

Check out some ideas for customizing your tin tie bags here. And if it’s a custom label you’re leaning toward, here’s a place to start.

No matter what size, color or style you choose, a great tin-tie bag is the perfect addition to your business and your customers’ pantries.

Just about three years ago now, we all were plunged headlong into the life-changing effects of the Covid 19 pandemic. This horrible disease altered the way we do everything – including getting food from our favorite eateries and coffee shops.

Suddenly, takeout was king. It was the only way to get our restaurant meals. But there was a lack of peace of mind with that, too. So a means of protecting our foods became queen. We had to safeguard our gourmet goodies not only from the elements and Coronavirus, but also pilfering delivery drivers.

Tamper-evident takeout packaging became a way of life and has not gone away since. The fact is, tamper-evident and tamper-proof packaging is not going anywhere. We all rely upon it now.

stats surrounding food deliveryStats around the need for tamper-evident takeout packaging

“Circuit,” a route optimization software for delivery drivers, surveyed both drivers and customers — and some of what they found was shocking.

  • A survey of 1,066 American food delivery customers, published April 25 of this year, found that 54% of Americans have on occasion suspected their delivery driver consumed parts of their food or beverage prior to delivery.
  • A survey of delivery drivers, published April 20, showed that a whopping 79% of drivers admitted to eating customers’ foods.
  • And a US Foods Delivery Study from 2019 showed 85% of respondents answered “Yes” to whether they wanted restaurants to use tamper-evident labels to address delivery drivers eating their food.

Just last week, a DoorDash customer posted a now-viral video on TikTok about how his driver only delivered just the remaining bones of a WingStop order, along with an empty fry tray and note apologizing because he was “broke and hungry.” The New York Post – along with a plethora of other sites – covered the story. You can check it out here.

food delivery safetyHow we eat, how we order revealed some interesting numbers when it comes to our eating habits, too, with its article just back on May 5th, 2022:

  • Americans use on average at least 5 food delivery services a month.
  • 45% stated they have become dependent on food delivery for themselves or members of their households.
  • Four in 10 Americans are ordering food for delivery at least once a month.
  • More than one in 10, or 13%, order delivery meals an astounding two to six times a week.
  • And oddly enough, survey results show that 60% of U.S. consumers spend more money now on food delivery every month than they did at the height of the pandemic.

With all of those burgers, baked goods, pizzas and pastrami sandwiches going out the door, knowing they’re safe should be a top priority.

Tamper-evident takeout vs. tamper proof

No disposable packaging can ever truly be tamper “proof.” After all, those bags and boxes are made of plastic and paper. Tamper proof items are nearly impossible to get into.

Tamper evident, however, may not keep someone’s fingers out of your fries, but it will show you that they’ve been there. Think tear-away strips on plastic deli containers, tamper-evident labels and boxes that seal when they’re packaged but show when they are compromised.

Tamper-evident takeout packaging also prevents “crimes of opportunity”, where someone might pilfer some food if it’s right there and easy to get to – but would think twice when there’s an obstacle stopping them.

food delivery processWe’ve got your peace-of-mind packaging


Seal 2 Go bags come in both plastic and paper and can be customized with your brand or logo for safety and style.

These bags have an adhesive strip at the top that allows the preparer to seal in food for delivery. This creates a tear-away top so that the bag cannot be re-opened without creating noticeable evidence of tampering.

Take a look at our video about how these awesome bags work.

Deliver Safe bags are another great choice. These clear bags in two different sizes end the worry about delivery drivers jeopardizing your good name.

They are a clear frosted poly bag with a permanent closure adhesive strip at the top. They’re printed with a bold “Deliver Safe” design and “Tamper-Resistant Delivery Bag” on the front, all while providing a sophisticated look and ease of filling, thanks to their flexible bottom gusset.

In addition, they’re fully customizable and made of a thicker plastic that will handle your heavier dishes.


Tamper-evident takeout boxes are the perfect option for packing up your customers’ lunches, leftovers and more.

They have a “lock” that won’t keep a hungry driver out of your box, but will make it abundantly clear if someone attempted to open it. This, in itself, keeps roaming fingers at bay.

Vented to keep items crisp and some with a window option, they are large enough to accommodate a variety of complete meals, and made of hefty 16-point paperboard.

Not only are they easy to use and store, they also look amazing branded with your restaurant’s logo. Take a look at our tamper-evident lunch boxes here.

BioPak Protect tamper-evident takeout boxes feature an adhesive seal, tear-away tab and viewing window for confirming contents. On the end of the top flap of the box, there’s an adhesive seal with a covering that reads “To Expose Adhesive, Remove Liner.” This allows a fold over the box that sticks securely once pressed. It will not come off without damaging the paper on the front of the box.

With their single-piece construction and sturdy shape, there is no assembly required. They’re grease-resistant, leak resistant and contain no fluorine-based chemicals. They hold in heat, release steam and discourage anyone from reaching in for a bite. Something to keep in mind, though, is that they are not intended to go into the microwave.

 Take a closer look at all these boxes have to offer at


With dozens of shapes and styles – from round to rectangular to square and large to small – these clear hinged plastic containers are both tamper resistant and tamper evident.

Great for pre-packed retail food items or takeout containers, they are leak resistant, stackable clamshells that showcase products while assuring that the contents inside have not been contaminated.

They’re simple to use and economical, featuring a tear strip to get inside that is proof positive of any tampering. See all of them right here.

tamper evident labels with perforationsTurn regular packaging into tamper-evident takeout packaging

If you already have a nice cache of boxes or bags, but you’re still concerned about how to keep your food safe, we can offer ways to make it easy for you.

  • A simple sticker or label is the perfect solution. And best of all, we can help you to customize them with your brand or logo. Once applied to a box or bag, there will be clear evidence if they’ve been torn to get inside. See our custom label options. Some labels can even feature an open area for writing your own information, allowing for easier order sorting and delivering.
  • Delivery seals are available in several colors, or we can help you to customize them. They cannot be peeled off without obvious signs of tampering.

We know how important your customers’ food safety is to you. After all, your reputation is at stake. Tamper-evident takeout packaging may have been something restaurants didn’t prioritize until a few years ago, but now it’s of the utmost importance. And knowing that there are the products at and elsewhere to calm that worry is just one less thing to have on your plate.